#5 // He leaves his jacket

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"Honey, what's this?" Your mom asked you, holding up Haru's jacket.
"Oh!" You exclaimed running over to grab it "Haru must have left his jacket" you explained and turned around grinning devilishly. You ran back to your room and quietly shut the door, slipping on his jacket and looking into the mirror. The familiar scent of him instantly hit your nose making you grin. It was a bit bit, hanging off your hands and reaching past your hips, but you thought it fit perfectly. You spent the whole day curled up in his jacket until you received a call from him asking if he left over his jacket.


You rubbed your sleepy eyes as you slowly sat up and looked around. It was pretty early, but it was also a Saturday and that meant you didn't have to do anything. Smiling, as you fell back down something caught the corner of your eye. Getting up to investigate, you noticed it was Makoto's hoodie he must have left over the night before. You smirked before throwing it over your head, it easily slipping on. It smelled just like him which made that whole thing even better.
The door to your room creaked open but you just figured it was one of your parents until a hand poked your side. You turned around to be greeted by a laughing Makoto.
"I knew it'd be here"


"Y/n!" Your little brother yelled running into your room.
"Huh?" You asked turning to the door as he ran in holding something.
"Rin left his jacket!" He smiled and handed you the black and white collared jacket. You stared at it for a moment before smiling.
"Thank you b/n!" You watched him nod and run out.
*b/n = brothers name*
You giggled a little to yourself as you unzipped the jacket and shrugged it onto your shoulders, the way Rin did. Standing in front of the mirror you grinned at they way it looked on you.


You woke up with something soft and fluffy in your arms. Your eyes slowly fluttered open to be greeted by Nagisa's pink and yellow hoodie. It was so warm and smelled so good, you couldn't resist not to put it on. It fit you pretty good but it was a little big. You couldn't help but slowly fall asleep once again in his jacket.
"Y/n" a soft voice said shaking your side. You yawned sitting up and rubbing your eyes to see Nagisa standing beside your bed. He smiled at you as you sat up.
"I think I need my hoodie back" he laughed.


Rei was constantly leaving his things at your house. Books, papers, even his glasses! But he had left something different this time, his jacket. He always had this jacket with him whether it was on him or he was carrying it along so it seemed pretty surprising when you found it laying on your bed. With no regret, you slid on the long jacket instantly feeling better. You spent the whole day lounging around in his jacket until there was a loud knock on the door. You smirked as you ran to the door and opened it, Rei standing there just as you had expected. A small smile spread across his face as he looked down at you in his jacket.
"Maybe I should just let you keep it"


You hummed quietly as you carefully picked up clothes and separated them before throwing them into the washing machine. Something felt odd as you picked up a clothing item without looking at it. Turning your head you noticed you were holding a jacket, but not just any jacket, Sousuke's jacket! You grinned devilishly as you quickly finished the rest of the clothes before throwing his jacket over your small shoulders. It was majorly too big, but too comfortable to take off.
"Hey y/n did I-" Sousuke stopped talking as he walked into your room to see you in his jacket. He grinned and crossed his arms looking down at you causing you to smile sheepishly.
"Leave your jacket here?" You finished for him.


You sighed and fell back on your bed, happy you had finally finished your five page algebra homework. As you landed you felt something strange underneath your back so you turned over to look. The soft material was half under the covers so it took you a moment to try and figure out what it was.
"Wait," you paused and looked at the familiar jacket. It was Kisumi's! You smiled with your eyes closed as you held the material up to your face with a happy sigh. Sliding it onto your small shoulders, it hung down to your waist but it was so comfortable and smelled just like Kisumi. You found it hard to take it off when Kisumi came over looking for it but you knew you'd be able to get it back soon.


"y/n" your dad called from outside your bedroom after knocking. You walked over to the door before opening it to see your dad holding up a jacket.
"Is this yours?" He asked eyeing the unfamiliar hoodie. You carefully studied it before realizing it was Momo's, and seeing how your dad didn't even know about him you figured it would be a good idea to just say yes.
"Oh yeah!" You smiled grabbing the cotton material and holding it close to your chest "must have left it, thanks dad!" You said before shutting the door. Your lips curved into a small smirk as you slipped the hoodie on, the scent of Momo punching you in the face as you did.
"Guess he won't be getting this back for a while".


You whined in annoyance as you looked at all the clothes you had to wash. Maybe moving in on your own wasn't the best idea. You wondered how one person, being yourself, could own/wear so many clothes.
You had music blaring from your phone as you washed and dried and folded every item of clothing. As you looked over at the drier, something caught your eye. You slung open the small round metal and glass door to reveal a famaliar jacket. You knew it wasn't yours, since it was far too big so who's could it be? You thought for a moment... Seijuro! He must have left it over from the night before. As you threw the last load of clothes in you stared at the jacket. Should you? I mean you were his girlfriend. Plus you had just washed it.
Seijuro smiled as he walked into your small apartment.
"Hello y/n" he stopped for a moment and grinned as he saw his jacket hanging over your shoulders.
"Should have known"


You groaned before throwing your mechanical pencil halfway across the room and falling back onto your bed. You were supposed to be studying, but you didn't understand anything one bit. It all sounded like gibberish. But as you fell down you felt something odd underneath you. Moving your hand back, you pulled up Nitori's hoodie.
"Must have left it" you smiled and threw it on. It fit pretty well, but was a little long.
"Maybe his hoodie will make me smarter!" You giggled and picked back up your papers.

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