For real (Sousuke x Reader)

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Your hand came down harshly onto the table, your head soon pressing firmly against it. Squeezing your eyes shut, you expelled an irritated sigh.

"Ah, lemme guess" Sousuke's deep voice filled your ears as he spoke, lightly tapping his fingertips against the table. "Another failed attempt for Rin to notice you?"

You finally lifted your head, a few pieces of hair blocking your vision. "What am I doing wrong?"

"Maybe he just, doesn't find you interesting"

The sudden slump of your shoulders nearly caused for the boy to choke on his food.

"N-not that you're not interesting! But if Rin still hasn't noticed you after all this time, maybe you should move on"

Moving on seemed nearly impossible for you at that point, and onto who if even.

Just as you were about to try and change the topic, an idea came to mind.

"Sousuke?" You asked aloud. You continued as he lifted his head, his bright blue eyes staring at you.

"What do you think about pretending to be my boyfriend, to get Rin's attention?"

Silence hung heavy in the air for a moment, before the sound of him spluttering and stumbling on his words formed.

"I- that doesn't- but wouldn't that just defeat the purpose of being with him if you're already with someone else, in theory" he finally managed to spit out.

"Just trust me" you practically begged.

Swirling around the contents of his half full water bottle, the tall male blew out a heavy sigh.

"Fine, but-", you cut him off, mid sentence by grabbing his wrist and pulling him from the table.

Leading the both of you from the outside lunch tables, you found yourselves standing by the main hall. The lunch class had just ended and people were crowded in the hallways, the perfect time for Rin to spot you.

Seeing the all too familiar red head standing by some lockers, you quickly grabbed Sousuke's hand.

"We just have to walk by him" you explained as you intertwined your fingers with his own.

Squeezing through groups of fellow students, you finally passed by Rin who was still standing at his locker.

Trying to not seem too eager for the boy's attention, you slowly turned your gaze to him. He merely looked in your direction, before turning back to whom he was talking to before.

"Did you see that!" You exclaimed upon reaching the end of the hallway. You let go of Sousuke's hand and peered back into the crowd.


"He barely even noticed, how could he not see that his best friend was with someone?"

A shrug coming to the male's broad shoulders, he began to walk the other direction.

"It'll be alright"

A month had passed, filled with desperate attempts to get Rin's attention. Your fake relationship had actually gained attention from others, leading to numerous questions and uncomfortable encounters.
But Sousuke hadn't backed down on any of your demanding requests.

Falling back onto his large, soft bed you peered ahead at him. He was sat at his desk, staring intently at some papers in his hand.

"What's that?"

"English paper"

"Due when?"


"Then why are you worrying over it now? You have the whole weekend"

He simply shrugged, dragging his pencil across a typed sentence on the white canvas.

"C'mon, don't just ignore your fake girlfriend"

The sudden lack of conversation in the room forced you to instantly sit up. Maybe, that wasn't the right thing to say.

"Can we just stop this?"

"Stop what"

"This whole, fake dating thing. It obviously isn't working but doing the opposite. People have started to ask me about us"

Your lips parted as you watched as he stood from the chair and kneeled in front of you. He looked up, an unreadable expression planted his face.

"I'm sorry, for dragging you into this. It was my problem not yours"

"But that's the thing" his voice was deep, maybe more than usual and his tone had a slightly stern ring to it. "It doesn't have to be a problem, just forget about it and forget about him. Maybe there's someone else"

You felt your voice caught in your throat as you looked down at him. You had been so blindsided by the obsession for Rin, you hadn't noticed how much he cared. Or how much he hurt.

"Can we stop this fake relationship, and do it, for real?"



I know Rin and Sousuke go to an all boys school but I really don't care for this one-shot.
If it really bothers you, just think that they're in a regular school or college.

Regardless, I hoped you enjoyed!

- mo

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