#2 // Kissing

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a/n - Just a warning, these are not in order by any means.


You giggled as you teased Haru by brushing your lips against his.
"Stop teasing" he whined grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. You smirked devilishly and moved your head back away from his lips.
"Y/n" he said as you laughed and attempted to squirm away from him. He had you locked in underneath him so if anyone were to walk in, especially your parents, it would look way worse then it actually was.
"You have to earn a kiss" you sheepishly smiled as he rolled his bright blue eyes.
"How about," he paused cupping your cheek in his hand and bringing your face inches away from his.
"This" he murmured before colliding his lips with yours.


You smiled to yourself as you walked up to the Tachibana's house and rang the doorbell. You looked around for a moment before the door was opened by his younger siblings, Ren and Ran.
"Y/n-San!" They said in unison, hugging your lower torso. You laughed a little as Makoto ran in after them watching them hug you.
"Makotos missed youuu" Ran smirked as Ren giggled looking back at their older brother.
Makoto gave them a death glare scaring them off before leading you up to his room. You smirked a little and sat on his bed looking up at him "you missed me?" You asked with a smirk. "N-no!" He stammered "I just, just".
Grabbing his shirt collar, you pulled him down to where your faces met and quickly pressed your lips against his letting go and leaving him breathless.


Rin smirked at you as you walked out of the bathroom in your bikini with one of his shirts covering your top half.
"Perv" you giggled and punched his upper arm. The beach was hot and misty due to the ocean breeze. Rin instantly grabbed your hand and ran out, the sparkling ocean in his eyes.
He smirked before splashing you but you quickly retaliated by going underwater and pulling his leg causing him to sink down.
"Rin!" You laughed as he grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him still in the water. "Yess" he smiled before pressing his lips against yours and you did the same. Not wanting to cause a scene, you both pulled apart but knew what you both would be doing later that night.


"Y/n-San!" Nagisa exclaimed hug-attacking you as you closed shut your metal locker door. You giggled and stumbled back before hugging him as well. You hadn't been at school in a few days due to some family issues, causing Nagisa to be extremely excited about you being back.
"I missed you so much!" He said squeezing you even tighter.
"Can't... breathe" you wheezed out as he quickly let go and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry" he smiled a little looking at you.
"I missed you too Nagisa-kun! But I was only gone for a few days" you laughed a little. It was cute how excited he was.
"So what are y-" you were cut off by Nagisa's lips smashing into yours, causing some nearby students to look. A small blush rose to both of your cheeks as he pulled away.


A wide grin grew on your face as Rei handed you your mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. You quickly thanked him before licking it. Just as good as you remembered.
You two talked and laughed for a while before Rei suddenly grew quiet and a light pink color coated his cheeks.
"Rei-chan?" You asked looking across the table at him. "Are you alright?" You asked worry seeping into your words.
"U-um" he looked away, pushing up his glasses. "Y-your ice cream is melting".
You looked down to see a little bit had dribbled onto your chest. You giggled a little before quickly wiping it off.
"Thanks Rei-Kun!" You smiled as he turned his head back to you. Leaning across the table, you softly pressed your lips onto his but pulled away almost instantly blush rising once again to Rei's cheeks.


You moved closer to Sousuke as the suspense in the movie grew even bigger. Your heart was nearly jumping out of your chest and your spine was as chilled as could be while the girl slowly pushed the door open.
The scream sent you jumping up, spilling popcorn all over you and Sousuke. He laughed down a little and wrapped his large arm back around your narrow shoulders. You had to calm your breathing and heart beat down as the movie finally calmed down a bit. Sousuke helped out a lot too, it seemed like nothing scared him.
"Hey Sousuke?" You asked moving your head to look up at him.
"Hmm?" He asked not moving his head, like yours, but shifting his eyes back to look at you.
"Are you scared of anything?" You asked.
It was silent for a moment and he looked like he was thinking.
"I'm scared of losing you" he said before looking back at you and smashing his slightly chapped lips against yours.


"W-wait!" You called after Kisumi wobbling on your skates. Apparently Kismu thought it would be a good idea to take you out ice skating when you've never gone. He laughed before skating back and grabbing your hand.
"Sorry y/n, I was just so excited!" Apparently Kisumi was an extremely good ice skater. What wasn't he good at? After a while you had finally made enough progress to stand up without any help but you still stumbled and looked like a baby giraffe just learning how to walk. You laughed as you walked out with Kisumi.
"I had fun" you smiled and walked up to your front door with him following.
"I did too" he said somewhat close to you. You looked up as he slowly pressed his warm, soft lips onto yours.


You and Momo were at the park since you both were mentally practically still children.
"Race you to the swings!" He yelled causing you to laugh and run after him. You two both had an amazing time acting like children with each other and even some little kids who joined you two. "Momo!" You giggled as he picked you up and carried you over to the slide. He sat you down on the top of the slide and held your waist so you wouldn't fall back as he sat in front of you. You blushed a little as he suddenly smashed his lips against yours earning a few "ewws" from the kids around you two.


You and Seijuro were just lounging around the house since it was raining pretty hard outside. You whined and laid your head back on his leg.
"I'm so boreeed" you sighed staring up at the ceiling. You guys could watch a movie or something but that seemed boring too. Seijuro smiled and looked down at you.
"What should I do about that?" He asked causing you to shrug.
"Entertain me" you said not moving your gaze from the ceiling. It took Seijuro only a few moments to collide his lips with yours and let's just say, it was pretty entertaining.


"Nitoriii" You whined, crouching by the wet concrete surrounding the crystal clear pool.
"Just a few more times, Y/n" said Nitori swimming from end to end. You thought it was cute that Nitori wanted to practice and get better, but on a Saturday? You guys were supposed to be by yourselves, doing something fun together, but now you were stuck with him swimming nonstop in the tiring heat.
"When ar-" you were cut off by a wet hand grabbing your ankle and dragging you into the pool. As you emerged from the water with a glare you were greeted by Nitori colliding his moist lips with yours.

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