#3 // You get a pet

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You jumped up and squealed excitedly as Haru walked into the house holding a small black puppy in his arms.
"Haru!" You exclaimed running over to look at the dog.
"Where did you? How did you? When did you?-"
Haru cut you off "I found it by the pool" he said sitting the small pup down on the floor, it instantly running wild.
"Figured it needed a home" the small outline of a smile lined his lips. You smiled and ran over to hug him tightly. His strong arms slowly, but surely, wrapped back around you.
"What should we name it?" You asked looking up at him with a smile.


Makoto's eyes widened as you walked into the house holding a medium sized gray and white specked crate. He looked over at you as you shut the door.
"What's in the crate?" He asked standing up and walking over to you. You smiled a little before opening it, revealing a small pure white cat. He gasped dramatically causing you to laugh as he carefully picked up the small creature, it instantly relaxing in his arms.
"I knew he'd like you" you smiled as he nuzzled noses with the cat before sitting it back down on the carpet.
"Your the best!" He exclaimed happily and engulfed you in his warm arms.


A smiled rose to your lips as you heard the front door open, knowing it was Rin.
"Welcome hom-" you said turning a corner so you didn't see anything before you were cut off by a huge dog jumping on you and knocking you back.
"What?" You asked aloud as the dog stood on top of you as you laid in the floor. He was pretty heavy since he was a rather large dog.
Rin laughed as he saw you in the floor with the dog on top of you as he rounded the corner.
"Sorry y/n" he smiled as the dog finally jumped back off you.
"This dog kept coming up to the pool and I couldn't just leave it" he said as you stood up. You knew about his love for dogs, especially big ones.
"It's okay!" You smiled looking up at him. 


"Nagisa!" You exclaimed as you looked at the small chubby and furry hamsters in the crate. A brown and white spotted one particularly caught your eye.
"Yes y/n?" He said before seeing what you were looking at and grinning.
"We should get a hamster!" He exclaimed looking at you
"that's what I was thinking!" You smiled.
You jumped around in excitement as you and Nagisa walked back to your house.
"What should we name it? Wait is it a girl or a boy?" You rambled on and on following him. He laughed and shook his head "I don't know y/n".


You giggled before walking into your house. Rei laid passed out on the couch. You knew he had just gotten back from swim practice which made this even more fun. Carefully, you sat the small black puppy on top of his chest and just watched trying your best to hold back your giggles.
Rei's face twisted as the puppy licked his lips. "Y/n!" He instantly shot up in shock and looked down at the dog.
"Wait" he paused and looked back at you as you burst out into laughter.
"I'm so confused" he murmured and rubbed the side of his head.
"Surprise!" You giggled a little and picked the dog up off of Rei.
"I got us a dog!" you smiled down at him.


You blew into your cold hands as you rubbed them together for warmth as you and Sousuke walked down the nearly empty night sidewalk. You stopped dead in your tracks as a small grey kitten walked up to you.
"Sousuke!" You exclaimed and leaned down to pet it.
"No" was his instant response. You pouted as you looked up before standing up and held up the cat to his face.
"How can you say no to this?!" You exclaimed looking up at him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair before looking back down at you.
"Fine, but your taking care of it" he muttered before continuing to walk you happily following.


You walked into your house to hear the sound of a... bird?
"Y/n!" Kisumi yelled and smiled your direction. "Look what I picked up today!" He moved his hand to reveal a medium sized bird. Your eyes widened in shock before you walked up to him and looked at the bird.
"Where'd you get them?" You asked looking up at him.
"At the pet store!" He said excitedly and ran his finger over the birds feathery back. You looked at him and the winged animal for a moment before laughing.
"What should we name it?


You happily petted the small furry cat as you bundled it up in your arms. You had found it lurking around your school without a collar and decided to just take it back home since it was extremely cold. "Momo!" You exclaimed running through the door. "Y/n!" He smiled and jumped up from the couch to see you holding something.
"What's that?" He asked looking down at you causing you to giggle.
"close your eyes" you said and watched as he obeyed you. Momo's face twisted as you handed him the fluffy creature.
"It's moving!" He shouted,
"open your eyes!" You laughed. His face immediately softened as he looked down.
"It's, so cute!"


You twisted over on your soft, warm bed burying your face into the thin pillow. A lick to your cheek from something wet and slimy sent you bolting upright.
"S-Seijuro!" You stuttered, immediately blushing and looking around. A familiar laugh from beside you made you look over.
"Good morning!" Seijuro smiled as a medium sized silky smooth black dog jumped all over you. You couldn't help but laugh seeing as how you loved animals so much, especially dogs.
"Who's dog is this?" You asked and rubbed it's back and shoulders.


Being the busy couple you two were, you barely had time for yourselves, much less a pet. So when Nitori presented you with the idea, you really thought it wasn't the greatest of suggestions.
"C' mon y/n it'll be fun!" He exclaimed grabbing your hands and pulling you into the warm pet store. You were immediately greeted by the sound of barking and the smell of animal food.
"But Nitori we don't have time for an animal" you sighed as he ran over to the cat section. Following, you noticed they had a little area where you could hold and pet the animals. Couldn't hurt right?
You and Nitori both walked out of the store, a gray crate in your hands. You noticed Nitori open his mouth to speak.

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