Insomnia (Kisumi x Reader)

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You tossed and turned in the warm bed, unable to sleep. You tried blankets, no blankets, music, no music, bed, couch and still nothing worked.

You had to be careful now since it was around two a.m. You didn't want to wake Kisumi. Even though you were pretty sure he wouldn't mind, you'd feel bad.

You'd been at it for hours, trying to sleep that is. You were diagnosed with insomnia at a young age, but it usually wasn't this bad. It sort of, came and went. Kisumi however, had no such problem. It was as if as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out. You were jealous.

Looking over at the flamingo colored, fluffy haired man you let out a quiet sigh. Carefully, you crept out of the bed and into the living room.

Letting out a sigh of relief you decided to just put on a movie hoping maybe at some point you would finally fall asleep.

However that didn't work either.

You became too invested in the movie that was playing to realize that another hour with no sleep had passed.

You cut off the TV and shut your eyes, just beginning to relax when-

"Y/N?" The room lights flickered on causing you to leap off the couch, a scream nearly escaping your lips.

You looked over to see Kisumi, messy haired and sleepy faced standing in the door frame.

"K-Kisumi!" You stuttered, instantly feeling bad. You must have woken him with all of your antics.

Before you could get in another word laughter erupted from the male.

"This isn't the bedroom" he smiled and you couldn't help but smile too. He was too cute.

"I know that" you giggled, walking over to your boyfriend.

"I didn't want to wake you because I couldn't sleep, so I came in here"

"You couldn't sleep?" confusion spread across his face.

You nodded and fiddled with your thumbs. You didn't want to worry him with problems that weren't his.

"I can fix that!" He smiled happily and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you onto the bed with him.

"K-Kisumi!" You blushed against his chest.

"Shh, Y/N" he murmured, turning off the light. "It's time to sleep".


waaaah I love Kisumi

this was probably really bad but I feel like I need to keep updating, plus I love to write these!

You guys probably noticed I changed the cover because it was pretty dated and I didn't like it all too much.

And this is also a one-shot and not a scenario with all the guys.

I'm really really really sorry if you liked the scenarios better, but I feel like these are just easier for me to write.

Also I'll probably be able to update more frequently with these.

Hopefully you guys understand! ~

If you have any ideas for a future chapter I'd love to hear them!

thank youu ❤
- mo

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