#4 // Sick

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"Haru" you said stopping beside his bedroom door. "Can I come in?" You asked and waited for a moment. He mumbled something inaudible but you took it as a yes. Walking into the room you saw him sprawled out on his bed, pillows surrounding him everywhere. He moved his head over to the door as you walked in, the same emotionless expression on his face.
"I need to take your temperature" you said holding up a small white and plastic covered thermometer.
"Noo" he whined and turned away from you. You sighed and tried to think of something to get him to let you take his temperature.
"I'll stay here all day if you let me take your temperature". He turned around and grabbed the thermometer out of your hand, sticking it in his mouth.


You rolled back and forth on your, now hot, bed throwing covers and blankets everywhere. You were clad in only extremely short shorts and a sports bra due to your constant fever. Makoto's face was bright pink as he walked into your room.
"Makoto I'm sick" you whined and turned the other way, curling up into a ball suddenly cold. "I know" he said from behind you before sitting down beside you on the bed. You moved your head to look over at him.
"If you stay in here too long you'll get sick too" you really wanted to cuddle for some reason but didn't want Makoto getting sick as well. He smiled wrapping his arms around your shivering shoulders and putting your head into his chest.
"We can be sick together".


Rin was the worst type of sick person and being stubborn as he already was didn't help one bit.
"Rin!" You said trying to shove the medicine filled spoon into his mouth. "You have to take the medicine if you want to get better!".
He slapped his hand back, hitting the spoon and making the red colored liquid go everywhere. He had pushed you to about your wits end as you poured another spoonful of medicine trying your best to not get mad and yell.
"If you don't take this medicine like a grown up I will personally shove it down your throat" you narrowed your eyes at the burgundy hair colored boy. He attempted to slap it away once again but you weren't going to waste anymore.
"You asked for it" you said angrily before getting on top of him and forcing his mouth open to shove the spoon in.


You were just getting over a small cold, nothing big, when you came down with a fever. It wasn't huge but enough to make you feel off. You were the type of person who tried to hide your sickness until the last moment but Nagisa instantly noticed everything.
"y/n, are you okay?" Nagisa asked looking over at you. You nodded, but your sneezes and coughs told otherwise. He ran his finger over his lips as if thinking before grinning widely.
"W-what are you doing?!" You stuttered as Nagisa picked you up bridal style and carried you to your room. He smiled and sat you on the bed before laying down along with you.
"You're sick so I'll take care of you!" He said and hugged you.


"Rei!" You whined kicking his bedroom door. "Let me in!". After you found out he was sick you rushed straight over, but being Rei he wouldn't let you inside because he feared of you getting sick too.
"No y/n! You'll get sick too!" He said and coughed from the other side of the door.
You pouted and tried turning the door knob again.
"I don't care, I just want to take care of you!" You leaned up against the door. Suddenly, the door swung open with you still leaning on it, causing you to fall into his room. He sat leaned up against a beanbag chair causing you to giggle.
"What?" He asked looking up at you as you shook your head and grabbed his hand, pulling him up.
"You should be in the bed, silly!"


You sat on your couch with blankets covered all around you. The door opening behind you startled you a little but looking back you saw it was only Sousuke.
"Sousuke" you whined looking over at him. "What's wrong?" He asked walking over after throwing down his jacket and seeing you all bundled up.
"Come cuddle I'm sick" you sniffled and looked up at him extending your arms. He stared at you for a moment before huffing and sitting down pulling you into his chest.
"If I get sick it's your fault" he said looking away as you smiled.


"Kisumii" you happily skipped into his room only to find him sprawled out on his bed with a wet hand towel over his forehead.
"Y/n" he whined and rolled over to face you.
"are you sick?" You asked looking down at the condition he was in. He nodded and rubbed his face miserably.
"Why didn't you call me sooner!?" You exclaimed/asked running over to him. "Are you hot? Cold? Wait let me go make you some soup" you said and turned back around ready to run out when he grabbed your wrist.
"Just cuddle" he said pulling you down on the bed beside him.


You sleepily sunk down even further into your bed, sneezing almost non stop. You thought it was just allergies since it was around that time of year but your sudden coughing and cold said otherwise.
"Y/n!" Momo said in a sing-song voice as he barged into your room "guess wh-" He stopped himself as he saw you motionless on the bed. "You okay?" He asked, a confused look on his face.
"Get outt" you whined turning over. You didn't want to get him sick, especially with all the swim events and practices. "I'm sick" you muttered and buried your face into a pillow.
He gasped over dramatically "and you didn't tell me?!" He exclaimed running over and jumping on your bed.


A sickly call from Seijuro informed you he was sick. You rushed over to his house and ran into his room. You paused to take a breath before looking at him laid out on the bed.
"Here" you said throwing a blanket over him and sitting beside him on the bed. You poured the thick red liquid into the small cup earning a groan.
"You have to take this if you want to get better" you said handing him the cup. Reluctantly, he downed the medicine and shivered a little. You giggled, since you had never really seen him sick, before he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him.
"Your not leaving anytime soon".


You coughed and sunk down even further into your covers. You had pillows surrounding you on each side and the covers pulled up to your eyes. A quiet knock on your door let you know that Nitori had finally arrived. A worried look was spread across his face as he walked in, holding a variety of things in his arms.
"You look so bad!" He exclaimed running over and setting down the stuff.  You huffed and turned around to face the wall.
"Thanks" you mumbled. For some reason you were really moody.
"I-I didn't mean it that way!" You heard him sigh, causing you to look back at him.
"Awee" you smiled before pulling him down seeing is face twist in surprise.
"You're too cute"

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