"Sarah smiles" (Rin x Reader) Part 2

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Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care,
She lives in her world, so unaware.
Does she know that my destiny lies with her?

* months later

  You swung out your arms to the side as you balanced on the short, narrow curb. Continuing on it, you made your way up to dorm number __.

(__ just make up a number bc I'm original)

Stepping up onto the steps leading into the dorm, you stopped in front of the door and knocked.

You waited for a few moments, picking at your nails as the time passed, before the door swung open.

Looking to see who opened it, your eyes stumbled upon a tall male with black hair.

He raised a brow at your presence before turning his head over his shoulder.

"Rin" his deep voice sounded almost like a growl.

You smiled as the familiar red head ran out into where you could see him.

"Sou, have you seen my-"

The guy in front of you held up a phone, must have been his.

"Ah," Rin said, running over to grab it. "Thanks, see you later" he said with a smile before running out the door, closing it behind him and leaving you two beside each other.

"You seem in a good mood" you stated before hopping back down the stairs.

After returning to Iwatobi, you and Rin had became close once again, maybe even closer than before.
It was nice, having back your best childhood friend.

He shrugged and followed you down to the sidewalk.

You raised a brow at the boy's behavior. It seemed, odd.

"So, where are we going?" You asked, curiously.

He shrugged once again and continued to walk.

After a few moments of silence you sighed, extra loud.

Rin couldn't again fight the smile on his lips, but still no words escaped his lips.

"What is it?" You whined, still following him.

He suddenly stopped abruptly, causing you to crash into his back.

"Rin! This is-"

He grabbed your wrist, tugging you into the building along with himself.

Deciding you trusted him enough to follow him without asking any questions, you proceeded to do so.

When he opened the window and crawled onto the roof is when you felt an explanation was needed.

Upon taking a seat between some roof indentions you leaned against the cement wall and turned your head to the side.

"So, are you going to explain, or even say something?"

He nodded.

"Don't you remember this?" He asked causing you to look around.

Memories began to drown your mind suddenly. Of course you remembered, this was where you and Rin first met.

Once an old gym had been turned into a kids bookstore, during your childhood. You and Rin both came only for the playground, and each other.

"Yeah of course I do" you spoke through laughs "but you didn't have to be mute to get me to remember"

He rolled his eyes a bit, resting his head back on his intertwined hands.

You two stayed on the roof for a while and eventually, it grew dark.

Rin nervously fiddled with his hands, staring up at the moon. Tonight was the night he planned to confess his feelings for you, but he just couldn't seem  get out the words.

Noticing his discomfort, you became confused. Did you do something?

"Rin? Are you alright?"

He blew out a sigh and ran his hand through his red colored hair.

"Y/N" he started. "I hope this doesn't sound rushed, but I've waited to tell you for nearly ten years." He paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath.

"I care for you. A lot actually, and when you left I was so hurt. Not that it was your fault, but I just couldn't help it. You were, are my first love, and I just can't imagine being apart from you again. Would you maybe, I don't know, want to be my girlfriend?"

Your eyes were now wide and you didn't say anything for a moment, before a grin broke out on your face. Who knew Rin would be such a sap?

"Rin!" You giggled "yes, of course."

You thought it was funny that he seemed about as nervous as a man did before proposing.

Rin couldn't help but smile either, for he knew he would never allow his love to leave him again.


I wanted these parts to be good so baaad

I just feel like they weren't :(

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!

Thanks for reading (:
- mo

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