Chapter fourteen|| money or bye jaiden

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Jaiden POV'

"Stupid sun!" I groaned as I tried to block the sun rays with my hands but failed. I finished by giving up and let out a long sigh as I lied down on my back.

"Good morning sunshine." I jumped at the sudden voice. I turned my head with wide eyes to see the source of it. Liam lied on his side starring at me, one arm that I only noticed now was wrapped around my waist. I started remembering what happened the night before. Harry with a bimbo. Me being sad. Liam taking me home. Us falling asleep in my bed.

"Shit." I whispered and excused myself for using a selfish word right after. Liam just smiled at me. I unwrapped his arm from my waist and sat up with my back towards him. I looked out my window, thinking. What if Harry found out? I know Liam and I  didn't do anything but it would still freak Harry out. And why do I care so much? I only just started dating Harry and he already cheated on me.

My thoughts were cut by Liam pushing my shirt down my shoulder to put a kiss on it. He wrapped his arm around my waist once again from behind and pulled me closer to his chest. I didn't respond at first but I then pushed him away lightly. He let out an exasperated sigh as his hold on me loosened.

"Forget about him Jaiden. You were with me first after all. I love you Jaiden and I will treat you right if you let me." I let out a sigh at his words. I knew he was right but I still had this feeling that I couldn't give up on the monster called Harry who I don't know it's last name yet. Yes, he's back at being a monster.

"Your right Liam, but I still dont know." I turned my head to look at him. He looked down at my bed sheets, not daring to look at me.

"I'll beg you if that's what I have to do Jai." I shook my head and looked at the clock by my bed. 2:45 PM. Wow, we slept in pretty late.

"Maybe you should go home Liam. I'll see you monday or something." He looked up at me and was about to object when there was a loud knock on my front door. Liam got up right away and started making his way out my bedroom and down the stairs. I followed close behind him, curious of who would be here.

As we arrived down stairs' somebody knocked again but harder. Liam stepped in front of the door while I stayed behind him. He slowly grabbed the door knob and turned it, opening the front door. Liam barely opened the door that it was pushed back closed again but with someone new in the house. The blonde boy who I now knew as Niall leaned on the door as he tried to catch his breath. Liam and I stared at him both surprised and confused.

"Niall, what are you doing here?" Liam asked him but Niall shushed him down. He then answered in a low whisper. "You weren't home so I guessed you were here so I came and on my way here I came across Zayn and Louis. They started running after me. They are looking for you Liam and they want their money. Liam, they have guns." I gasped and the two boys looked at me. Niall looked like he was going to die in fear any moment now. Liam looked scarred also but not as much as Niall. Liam opened his mouth to speak but another knock interrupted him. The knock was louder then Niall's and was so hard that it made the door tremble.

"Open the door Niall." I recognized Zayn's voice from that time we met at Harry's flat. Niall lost all his colors as he heard the voice. Niall pushed himself off the door as it trembled by a pair of fists hitting it. He went and hid behind Liam. I starred at him wide eyed as I realized that the door was unlocked and they could now come in. Indeed they did. They pushed the door open and their eyes landed on Liam right away. A smirk made it's way on their lips.

"The men we were looking for." Zayn took a couple steps towards him as I took steps away from him. Louis' eyes wondered around and landed on me. He nudged Zayn in the back and mentioned towards me. Zayn glanced at me as his smirk grew.

"I think it's the perfect time to make a deal with you Liam." Liam frowned at Zayns words. "What kind of deal?"

"You want her safe, don't you?" Zayn asked as he mentioned towards me. Liam turned his head to glance at me before looking back at Zayn. "Don't you dare get her involved in this." But Zayn just chuckled.

"We want our money Liam. You have two weeks and if we don't have it by then, goodbye Jaiden." Zayn winked at me before walking out my front door followed by Louis. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and stared at the back of Liam's head.

"Out." Liam turned to look at me, confused. Niall stood close to him, trying to make himself small. "What?"

"I said out! Get out of my house!" He looked taken back. He nodded and walked out the door, Niall hot on his trail but I stopped the blonde boy. "Not you Niall. You and me have some things to discuss." Niall and Liam turned to look at me. Niall then looked back at Liam, unsure but Liam nodded. Liam then left, closing the door behind him.

"What is going on Niall?" I crossed my arms and started taping my foot. Niall looked down at his hands and shuffled on his feet. "I'm sorry." He answered in barely a whisper.

"What?" I asked, unsure if I heard right. Why would he be sorry? "This is all my fault and I'm sorry. I brought Liam in the gang and we did stupid things and now he owes the others money. I promise I didn't mean to! I thought we were invincible at that point and that the other guys were our friends so they wouldn't mind but like you just saw, they mind." He explained and I nodded.

We talked about ways to fix this and the only solution we found was to find the money. The problem was that none of us had the money. Niall said he would try to find something and so did I. He left just before my mother arrived home around 5 PM. She decided to order pizza, being too tired to cook anything.

I hated Niall at first, for making Liam so nervous all the time. After today I saw that he isn't so bad. All he wants is to escape the world of violence that he is trapped in at the moment. The problem is that once your in, you can't get out. Niall told me he found a hiding place in an abandoned building and now lived there. He invited me to stay there if I ever needed to hide.

After eating the pizza, I went strait to bed, feeling tired. I lied in bed, dreading Monday. I knew Liam would want to talk. It reminded me to look at my phone. Maybe he called? I looked at my phone to see it was actually Harry who called today.... 57 times. Liam only sent a text where he said he would fix this. I saw I also had a text from Harry. I opened it.

From Harry;

I can't believe you left with Liam. Il'l make sure you both regret it.

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