Chapter twelve|| new girl

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Jaiden POV

Worst. Week. Ever. No kidding. Everyone at school hates me. Rumors have been going around about me. I guess I could stand that but I cant stand the fact that Liam hates me and won't even dare look at me. I ignored him too, remembering what Harry said and wanting him to be safe. if only Liam knew how I was trying to protect him. And worst of all, it's Friday. Which means Harry will be back in my life once again. This really sucks.

I walked in school, noticing people stare at me like they have been for the last couple of days. I tried to ignore the stares and walked strait to class. I was the first one in class so I sat in the very back and waited for the class to start. This is going to be a long day.


"What a loser." I ignored the comment as I walked in the lunch room. I looked around trying to find a seat but my eyes landed on something else. I looked at the popular's table to see Gaby sitting down on Liam's lap. Well it's nice to know that he got over it quickly.

I tried to ignore it and walked to an empty table in a corner. I sat facing everyone else and started eating my sandwich. As I was eating I saw this girl walk in with long dark brown hair. She was beautiful but today was the first time I saw her here. Must be new. She walked strait to my table with a giant smile and sat right across from me. I stared at her confused as she started eating, pizza?

"Hi." She smiled at me between bites as I stared at her surprised. She for sure did not hear the rumors around here.

"I'm Chloe." She stuck her hand out across the table for me to take. I stared at it for a while before looking up at her.

"You must be new." She smiled and nodded, still sticking her hand out.

"And you must be Jaiden." I stared at her surprised. This is not creepy at all... "I heard a lot about you and it's only my first day!"

"Doesn't surprise me." Her smile faded a little but her hand still stayed there, waiting. Isn't she tired of holding it up? "But if you heard about me, why are you sitting here?"

"Rumors are rumors, right? And I cant judge without knowing you. I'm new and need some friends so I chose you. Now, can you please shake my hand because I feel like it's about to fall off." I smiled as I shook her hand and she let out a sigh of relief.

"What's your deal Chloe?" I asked. She looked at me surprised and confused at once. "My deal?"

"Yeah like why are you here and who you are." She nodded as she understood. She went back to her food and took a couple bites before answering.

"You know, the typical. My dad got a job here so we had to move and here I am. And for who I am, typical again."

"You dont look typical." She looked up at me smiling but went back to her food right after. We talked a lot, getting to know each other. She was such a nice girl, she could be a really nice friend. All of a sudden she whispered will looking down at her now empty plate. " I have so many questions for you."

"Then ask away." I smiled at her preparing myself for anything, and good thing I did.

"I want to know about that guy everyone is talking about, that how you were all after him for drugs and all. I want to know the whole truth." I let out a sigh. Should I really tell her? Oh fuck it! Sorry for the language by the way...

"His name is Harry. I don't really know him. He just keeps saying that I'm his and stuff. He creeps me out but at the same time, I find myself thinking of him all the time and wanting to be with him. It's just so weird." She nodded as I talked. I looked down, feeling embarrassed about my feelings.

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