Chapter eight|| fake friend

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Jaiden POV'

Friday. Best day of the week right? Right. It's not even lunch time and I already can't wait to get out of here!

I stared at my history teacher while he talked about the French revolution, something I knew nothing of. I looked up at the clock above the classroom door, starting to get hungry. Only a couple seconds before the bell rings and I can go-

I got cut off by the bell, telling us that it was time for us to go eat. I jumped out of my seat and made my way out the door. While walking down the hallway, I looked around hoping to find Gaby. And I did. Sadly, I wish I didn't. There Gaby was, sucking faces with Jeremy. Who is Jeremy you may ask? Oh just this guy I've had a crush on since primary school.

I shook my head, holding back tears. She knew how much I liked him and she still went after him. What a friend huh?

I finally arrived to my locker, happy to be closer to my food. I put in the combination and opened it. I tried stuffing my books in but my locker was a real mess and didn't have any place. I let out a frustrated sigh and let my hand make it's way to my hair while I closed my eyes to calm down.

"Need any help Jaiden?" I jumped in my skin at the sound of a voice so close to me. I opened my eyes to see who scared me like this and guesse who I saw. Yes, Liam.

"Here, let me help you." With that, Liam grabbed my books and found a place to stuff them in my locker. He then closed my locker and locked it for me before turning around and smiling down at me.

"Your locker is worse then a boys, and that's saying something." Even though I really didn't want to, I couldn't help but laugh, Liam joining.

"Wait until you see my room!" With that, we laughed even harder. I'm starting to think that Liam isn't all that bad. Liam suddenly stoped laughing and started staring deep in my eyes, making me uncomfortable.

"Your different Jaiden, and I love that about you. I love so many things about you that I could stand here all day and list them all to you." I blushed and looked down, being uncomfortable with so much attention from one person.

"Come on, I'm sure your hungry." He grabbed my hand and started walking us to the lunch room. I smiled up at him, still blushing but this time from my hand in his.

We walked through the doors of the cafeteria hand in hand. I saw Gaby in the back with her friends. When she noticed me, she waved for me to go sit with them. I sent her a glare, receiving a confused look back. I felt a light tug on my hand making me look up. Liam smiled slightly at me and started pulling me to his table. Shit.

"Hey guys." Liam greeted his friends sitting down. I smiled at everyone while sitting down. I put my head down knowing what was to come. Some of his friends aren't very found of me, they say I'm just a waste of time and too 'good' for my own being. Whatever that means.

"What's she doing here?" Maddy asked harshly. Oh Maddy. Now I saw this coming. I just knew she would be the first to say something. You see, Maddy has had a crush on Liam ever since freshman year and with Liam having a liking in me, she hates me. She's just wasting her time since first of all, I'm not into Liam, and second of all, Liam would never go for THAT. No offence.

"Jaiden is sitting with us today." Liam smiled at me before digging in the plate placed in front of him. When did that get there?

"Why? Doesn't she have friends?" One of his friends, Nick, asked. Before me or Liam could answer, Maddy did.

"Who would be friends with that?" She pointed her long finger at me. I looked up at her with a small glare.

"Who would sleep with that?" It was my turn to point at her, with a smirk of course. She gasped, putting her hands on her chest in offence. I heard a soft chuckle come from my left. I turned to see Liam shaking his head slightly with a small smile.

"I think you should leave." His mate, Andy told me. I looked at him with a frown, where was I going to sit now?

"Your right Andy." Liam agreed. I looked at him with my jaw hanging in disbelief. He's got to be kidding me. I was about to stand up when a warm hand grabbed mine. Liam's.

"Jaiden and I should leave." And with that, Liam pulled me away and to my next class.


The bell rang, pushing me out of my thoughts. I got out of my chair and ran to my locker, yes, ran. I couldn't wait to get back home! I opened my locker and found a spot to put my english books. I then grabed my bag, swinging it on my back and closed my locker. This time instead of running, I speed walked to the schools exit. I stepped out of the school doors, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Freedom.

I was brought out of my moment by my name being called,

"Jaiden!" I opened my eyes to see Gaby running up to me. Ugh not her. I'm far from being in the mood and don't have time to talk. I have to get ready for my date. Shit! My date! I almost forgot about that.

Gaby stopped in front of me with a confused look. Why is she confused?

"Whats wrong?" She asked me. This time, I looked at her confused.

"Why didn't you sit with us at lunch? And you sent me a glare, why?" Oh, that.

"Jeremy." I simply answered, which was enough for her to understand. Her eyes went wide, her mouth gaping like one of a fish.

"I can explain, I promise." I nodded, letting her know to go on. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"He doesn't like you." She whispered, eyes still closed. I felt my eyes go wide and anger boiling in the pit of my stomach.

"Excuse me?" I spat out at her. She opened her eyes and stared right into mine. This cant be good, I have a bad feeling about this.

"He doesn't like you Jaiden! Nobody likes you. Liam is the only one! You keep pushing people away and acting weird around them. Your stupid for pushing Liam off, the most popular guy in school. One day, he's going to give up on you and then you will be left alone because nobody likes you!" She spat her words like arrows, going through my chest. That hurt. She stood there glaring down at me. Yes I'm small ok!

I frowned at her words. How could my best friend say this? I can't believe this. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind making me smirk up at Gaby. She looked down at me in confusion. Just when she was about to question my expression, I spoke up.

"I'm going on a date with Liam tonight." I smirked. Her eyes went wide in pure shock. Yes, I didn't tell her about my date. I knew she would react weirdly and I didn't even like Liam so why waste my spit?

"No your not." I looked at her with a frown plastered on my face. What?

"What?" I asked, completely confused. What the hell is she talking about?

"Your not going out on a date with Liam, ever." She crossed her arms across her chest, waiting for my response.

"Oh really? And why not?" I'm asking a lot of questions today. This time it was my turn to cross my arms across me chest.

"Because I like him and your my best friend." I choked on air. Yes, on air! This can't actually be true. She's for sure kidding. The look on her face told me that I was wrong.

"Why did you kiss the guy I fancy then?" Another question, well then, I suck.

"To get Liam jelouse, duh! Plus, he's not bad looking at all." I stared at her in disbelief while she smirked. What a bitch! Sorry for my language.

"Well that's too sad, I'm going on a date with him and not you." Gaby's jaw dropped as I turned on my heels and started making my way out the school gates. Just before I walked out I called out one last thing,

"Oh and I almost forgot! Were not friends anymore!"

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