Chapter Twenty-Nine|| Mack

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"I always hated school." Louis mumbled when he walked through the front doors of the school building. Niall patted his shoulder, a huge smile on his face. Louis glared at him for being so happy.

"I always loved school." Niall exclaimed. I giggled at his excitement. He kept greeting everyone he saw, getting weird looks sent to him by doing so. But Niall didn't care.

My hand was in Harry's like it always was as we walked with our two friends. Where Chloe was at the moment was a mystery to us.

"Damn." A boy near us mumbled. I frowned a little in curiosity. And then I saw what every boy was staring at.

This beautiful girl was walking down the hall. She had long blonde hair and this perfect smile. If I was a guy, I would be staring too honestly.

That's what Harry and Niall did. Their eyes followed her movements. Louis on the other hand, ignored her.

The girl's eyes connected with Harry's and they smiled at each other. Before I could make any comment about it, Louis spoke up. "Harry." My boyfriend turned his head to look at him and hummed.

Louis nodded towards me. But Harry didn't seem to understand what was going on. So Louis rolled his eyes and started walking faster. "Can we just go find Chloe? She still doesn't know that I'm coming back to this hell hole."

Harry stayed silent. He seemed in deep thought and I hated it.

Niall elbowed Louis with a smirk. "You weren't staring down that goddess back there. You're always after them usually."

"The only goddess for me is Chloe." I felt a pang of jealousy as the words left his lips. Harry still stared at that girl, even if he had me and claimed to love me. He should have enough with just having me around.

And here Chloe was, fooling around with Liam when she had Louis around. I couldn't help but wonder why she would do this. If Harry was as in love with me as Louis is with Chloe, I wouldn't even think of someone else.

We finally reached our lockers to be met with a surprise. "Chloe?" Louis asked.

There she stood, a sobbing mess in Liam's arms. She looked up and Louis walked over. Liam let go of her and Louis pulled her in. Liam left while Chloe and Louis talked a little. Until she left too, leaving us all confused.

"It's a girl thing." I told them and went the same way Chloe did.

Now, today was a day full of surprises but what I saw next was crazy. Liam had Chloe pushed up against a wall while they kissed.

I have never been so disappointed in someone like I was right then. "Seriously?" Their head snapped in my direction. I crossed my arms while they stared at me with wide eyes.

"I was choking on something and Liam was helping me get it out." Chloe said. Liam couldn't help but burst out laughing. Of course he would.

"You have Louis. He loves you." I reminded her. She rolled her eyes like it was nothing. She then pushed Liam off lightly and walked away.

I followed. "It's cheating." I pointed out. "Just leave me alone Jaiden." She mumbled.

"This isn't right." She groaned and ignored me as we walked in class.

We went and sat together in the back. The blonde girl from earlier came in, sitting in front of us. She turned in her seat, smiling at us.

"Hi. I'm Mack." Damn. Even her voice sounded perfect. I ignored her but Chloe smiled back. "Hi. I'm Chloe. Are you new here?" She asked the obvious.

They started talking and did so the whole class. Chloe even went to sit with her at one point.

And I never felt so alone.

A/N: I see Emma Roberts as Mack. Just sayin.

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