Chapter eleven|| the one getting hurt

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Harry POV'

"I'll just go back guys, don't worry." I tried to stay calm in front of the two boys in my living room, trying not to wake Jaiden up.

"You dont get it Harry. Now he knows your after him. He could go to the police!" Louis argued a bit too loud for my liking.

Zayn and Louis arrived here this morning to see if I had the money, which I didn't have. I explained to them what happened, leaving Jaiden out, and said that the police were coming and I had to run. Of course, they believed me. The thing is, I know they will find out what actually happened and everything about Jaiden.

"Of course not! He's the one who broke the law many times. He can't go to the police." I told them with a soft voice, making the guys look at me like I was crazy.

"Did you already forget? Everyone loves Liam. So who will they believe, Liam or you?" Zayn asked even louder then Louis. I glared at him and told him to keep his voice down which got me another look from them.

"What the hell is wrong with you today Harry?" Louis asked with a confused expression like Zayn's. I just shrugged, not knowing what to answer.

"We have an idea." Louis stated. I gave him a questioning look, waiting for him to continue.

"He has a girlfriend, Jaiden if I remember correctly. They have been friends since childhood but started dating not too long ago. Jaiden means the world to Liam. If she goes down, so does he." I stared at Louis, surprised. What did he mean by she goes down? I wasn't going to ask that.

"Their not together anymore." I bluntly stated. It was true, she was mine, not his. Both Louis and Zayn looked at me confused. Then, Zayn seemed to realize something.

"We're so stupid. She's that chick you've been following around, right? She's that chick you've been stalking." I nodded. I had nothing else to answer. I know it was weird to stalk someone but I couldn't help it.

"She won't be around him anytime soon. She's mine and I won't let that idiotic kid hurt her. So you don't have to worry about them being around each other." I told them, rather loudly. My eyes widened at what I just said. It all came out by itself and I can't take it back.

"Is Harry starting to soften for this chick?" Louis asked, smirking at me. I shook my head and opened my mouth to say something. I stopped when I saw his smirk disappear and his eyes staring at something behind me. I started silently praying that it wasn't her. I slowly turned around with my prayers slowly vanishing.

There she stood wearing my rolling stones shirt that was way too big for her with a pair of black boxers. Her black hair was in a mess, but it still looked nice. She stared at me with her big blue eyes that reminded me of the atlantic ocean.

I was lost in her eyes as she stared back at mine when they left me, looking behind.

"Hello." She waved and sent a small smile towards my mates. I turned my head to see them staring at her. I snapped my fingers, bringing them back to life. They blinked and smiled back at Jaiden. I turned back towards her as she looked back at me.

"I'm going to be late for school Harry." Her voice was soft as she stared at me waiting for an answer. I knew she heard what I said to the boys, just by the look on her face. I could also see that she still wasn't sure about trusting me, which I understood. Who would trust some weird guy following you around and beating your boyfriend up?

"Oh um.. Just go get dressed. You can borrow a pair of boxers and a shirt that fits if you want. Also, I have cereals if your hungry? I'll bring you to school when your ready, alright?" She smiled slightly while nodding. She then turned around and disappeared down the hall and in my room.

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