Chapter Twenty Four|| Alright

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"I guess everything is alright now." Chloe said, hugging herself. We walked down the streets slowly even if it was cold out. We just needed some girl time.

I nodded. "I can finally go back to having a normal life. As normal as it gets with having Harry as a boyfriend." I joked a little. She let out the smallest giggle there could be, which was cute.

"I'll still take care of him if you want. I actually enjoy it. Makes me feel mature." She offered. I agreed. "You mature? Impossible." She gasped and pushed me. We laughed together for a bit when Chloe's phone rang.

She answered it. "What do you want loser?" She asked. I knew who it was right away. Her relationship with Louis was a weird one. They obviously loved each other but tried to stay away from anything cheesy. They were happy just being together.

She talked with him a bit and hung up. "Everyone's heading to my place. We'll meet them there." She said.

We continued talking while we walked there. She told me all about her running away and coming back. She also talked a lot about Louis. Which was understandable. It was a new relationship.

Chloe ran inside when we reached her house. I followed her, smiling when I saw Louis groaning on the ground with Chloe on top.

"Niall! Don't do that." I heard Harry whine from the living room. I walked in to see Niall bending his fingers awkwardly and Harry hiding his face behind his hands. I rolled my eyes and sat between the two.

Harry smiled widely, wrapping his arms around me. "Jaiden! Everything is alright!" He exclaimed. I laughed and nodded. "Yes Harry. Everything is alright."

"Even for me and Louis." Niall spoke up. I rolled my eyes. "Louis and I." I corrected.

He ignored my reply. "We're moving in with Chloe." He smiled somehow proudly. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked. I didn't understand why they would do that. Now Chloe would have to take care of three boys that act like complete kids.

"We don't exactly have anywhere to live." He shrugged like it was nothing.

Chloe and Louis walked in the room. Chloe sat on the other couch and Louis sat on her lap. Chloe frowned.

"Oh god. You're so heavy!" She complained. Louis smirked and moved around on her lap, making her groan.

"I know you love it." He answered. She shook her head. "The only thing I'd love is for you to get that fat ass off of me."

He pouted a little. "But my ass is amazing." He turned a little to look at her. They stared at each other for a moment until Chloe let out a defeated sigh.

"I hate you." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around him and leaning back.

Harry laughed. "Everything is alright!" And indeed, it was.

Petrified (a punk harry styles fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon