Chapter Thirty-Three || Blank

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Jaiden POV'

"I can't believe we're doing this." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. Harry rolled his eyes at me. "We all need this Jaiden. Especially Chloe and Louis."

I knew he was right when I saw the couple walking down the stairs. Louis had a straight face while he walked towards us. Chloe was biting her lip, seeming conflicted. This wasn't the stupid happy couple we all knew. They really needed this date.

"Let's go." Louis said once he reached us and walked out the front door. Chloe over at Harry. "Where's Niall?" She asked.

He shrugged. "He'll meet us there with Mack." Chloe nodded and we all walked out to meet with Louis. He was the only one with a car so he drove us to our date.

The fact that Mack was going with Niall slightly made me feel better. I was going to be with Harry and she would be with someone. Also, Niall is pretty cute.

We had all decided to go to the fair that was held in town. It would be loads of fun so it was the perfect place to go.

We soon arrived and walked in, buying our tickets. There we met up with Niall and Mack who were already eating a ton of candy.

Harry put his arm around me, smiling down at me. I smiled up at him, glad that I had his full attention. Our couple would be fine.

"Liam! Over here!" Niall yelled, making me look to see what was happening. Liam was walking towards us. But he wasn't alone. Gaby was walking next to him with a smirk. She looked at me as if showing off that she won.

That's sad. She didn't win anything. She was actually helping us at the moment. That didn't change that she was a horrible friend though.

"How nice to see you Jaiden. Harry." She nodded towards him. He stared at her with a frown and glanced at Liam who was talking to Louis and Chloe. Sadly.

I put on a fake smile. "Gaby. It's great to see you again! It's been so long." I went in for a hug, to which she accepted. Her smirk fell in surprise. "You're taking this better then I thought." She said. I shrugged once I pulled away. I had nothing to say to her really. We fell in an uncomfortable silence then. Harry let out a sigh and smiled towards the rest of the group.

"What should we do first?" He asked. I looked around at all the rides we could do. I shrugged. Gaby pointed up at the Ferris wheel with a giant smile. "There! It's always good for dates." She looked back at Liam who smiled and nodded. He grabbed her hand and they started the short walk.

Chloe frowned but followed with Louis. Everyone else did the same and within minutes, we were on the ride. Harry put his arm around me as we went up into the sky.

"I think I'm going to move out alone again." He said, looking down at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Really? Are you sure you're ready for that?" I asked. He nodded, looking down at Chloe and Louis who were just behind us. "Chloe has been great and all but I need my own place. I can do almost anything on my own now anyways."

I smiled. He was getting better. We would be able to be a normal couple for once in our life.

Harry moved around in his seat, frowning. "I'll need a job though. I obviously can't work with Zayn anymore."

He was right. He couldn't risk it. Also, I didn't want him in that business anymore. I didn't want to worry any longer.

I nodded in agreement. Harry then looked around at the fair with a small smile. It quickly faded. "How did we get here?"

"What do you mean?" He looked over at me. "How did we get to this fair? Did I drive us here?"

I frowned and shook my head. "Louis drove us. You can't drive anymore because of the accident." His frown deepened. It was like his mind went completely blank. It scared me.

It was soon time to get off the ride and everyone met up at the bottom. The night went on like that. We all went on rides together and Harry was back to normal.

Louis drove us back after. I planned on telling Chloe about what happened with Harry once we got home. If anyone knew what was wrong, it was her.

Once we arrived, everyone walked in the house. Chloe's dad greeted us and everyone went to do their thing. Harry went to his room without a word and Louis sat on the couch. Chloe went to join her but I grabbed her arm, making her stay.

She turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"What's going on with Harry? He couldn't remember how we got to the fair earlier."

Chloe rolled her eyes at me. "If you would be there for him more often, you would've noticed a while ago." I frowned. "The bullet injured his brain Jaiden. Something's can't be fixed."

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged. "He forgets things. His mind just goes blank." She then turned around and went to go cuddle with Louis on the couch.

She said it like it was something that happened normally but I had never seen him do it before. Maybe she was right. I wasn't around enough to help him out.

I slowly walked up the stairs and to Harry's room. He was already in bed. I got undressed and joined him. He quickly wrapped an arm around me, making me smile.



"Maybe we should move in together." I suggested.

"Maybe." I wasn't satisfied with his answer but I let it go for that night.

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