Chapter three || thunder

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One, two, three, and many more raindrops fell from the gray sky, hitting the pavement beneath my feet. I pulled my coat closer around my small frame, trying to find comfort and warmth but failling.

I looked around me to see no one outside. I was alone. At the same time, it was past two in the morning with the cold hard rain.

Walking towards my street, I felt a presence, making my blood freeze. I looked behind me to see a silky black car with tinted windows parked about two meters away from me.

Even though I tried hard to remember, I knew it wasnt there before. Feeling the fear shoot through my body, I quickened my pace. Looking behind me again, I could see that the car was getting closer.

I tried going faster, wanting to be home as fast as I could. The silky car was now driving by my side, at my speed. The tinted window slowly roled down, revealing a mens shadow at the driverd seat.

"Hey babe. Need a ride home?" I knew that voice by heart. It was him. Is he always following me?

" I dont need anything from you!" I snapped, wanting him to leave me alone.

"C'mon jaiden, dont be like that love. We dont want you to get a cold now do we " how does he know my name?

"How do you-" he cut me off,

"Iv got my ways" even though I couldnt see him, I knew he was wearing that usual smirk of his. I gave him one of my glares which he was probably used to by now. He let out a chuckle shaking his head a little, side to side.

"I know your scared of thunder." He stated. How did he know that?

"No im not! And there isnt even thunder." I told him with a 'duh' tone. He pointed towards the sky and at that exact moment, I heard it. Thunder. Without even thinking, I ran in the car, taking the passenger seat.

"What are you, the devil?" I asked woundering how he always knew everything.

"Not exactly" he answered with a seriouse expression and tone. He sped up the car, going through the streets of my town. The car stayed silent for a while until I got curious about this men.

"I never got your name." I stated.

"Thats probably because I never told you"

"Well you know my name, I should get to know yours" he stayed silent for a moment, thinking.

"My names... Edward" he smirked, noding at his answer.


"Actually im not really lying since its my middle name"

"But I want your first name" I wined. He chuckled and came to a stop. I looked out the window to see that we were at my place. How does he know where I live?

"I know more then you think" its like he read my mind. I noded, getting of the car. Before I could close the door, I heard him talk.

"Harry" I looked at him confused.

"My name, its Harry" and with that, he was gone.

A/N: how did you guys like the chapter?? Workes hard for it, like i do with all the others. Im just kinda scared it dosent make sense.. Well tell me what you think!


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