Chapter 20

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Josh looked at me with his dare-devil eyes.

"Fine, you're on," he stated while keeping full eye contact on me.

"We'll see." I gave him a smirk.

I stayed over for a couple more hours before going back home. 

I lied on my bed thinking about what I have just done. Was this going to be a good thing? Is he going to treat her like trash? Is he going to just mess with her feelings? Is she going to be embarrassed? I couldn't seem to answer any one of these questions with my full belief. 

The Next Day

I came into the cafeteria with Gabby complaining about teachers, and we sat down at our usual spot

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I came into the cafeteria with Gabby complaining about teachers, and we sat down at our usual spot.

"I mean, I don't get it. Why would someone give us a twenty-five question test, that she knew we wouldn't be able to finish, but only grade five of them? It makes more sense to just give us a five question test." Gabby was venting about last period.

"I know right. I feel you." I then saw Josh walk over to us with a prideful stride and sat down beside Gabby.

"Hey, you're Gabrielle right?"

Gabby's eyes were glowing, and her cheeks were blushing pink. "Yes, that's me." She stroked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time."

"Really!? With me? Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course I'm sure. Can I pick you up at 7:00?"

She quickly nodded her head. "Uh huh. Here's my address."

"Cool, I'll see you then." He got up and winked at Gabby. 

At this point, my best friend was just dying. I thought she was going to hyperventilate. I took a glance at him again, and Josh just stuck his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Oh my gosh, Avery! Josh Riley just asked me out." I smiled at her feeling slightly accomplished, but yet somewhat worried.

"Avery, I love you so much." She stood up from her seat and reached over the table to give me a huge hug of gratitude. "Thank you!"

I poked at her shoulder, "Gabby, let go. I can't breathe."

"Oh," she let go, "sorry. I just got excited."

"I know, I get it."

"I wonder where he's going to take me. We could go to a restaurant, or a movie, or the beach. EEEE! There are just so many options."

"Well, I mean, you can't go like everywhere at 7:00 at night though." 

"Yeah that's true. I just hope he never asks me to cook anything. I really suck at cooking."

"No you don't; your ramen tastes perfectly fine."

"That's because that's all you ever eat. Whenever you'd come over, you always ask for ramen."

*This is because I don't exactly trust her to cook anything else for me besides toast or cereal.*

"I guess you do have a point. Wait a minute, if you know you suck at cooking, why is your email address Masterchefgabby?"

"Well for one- I really liked the show when I made the account, and two- I originally did it as a joke and thought I could change the name later. Apparently not."

I swear, this girl drives me crazy.

"Anyway, back to the point. You should come over on Saturday and tell me how the date went."

"Of course! I am so excited, I might burst."

"Okay, finish eating already." She gave me a wide smile, then took a bite of her food.

After school

I was doing homework when I heard my phone go off

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I was doing homework when I heard my phone go off. I got a text from Josh.

Josh: Ha! I told you I would. I win.

Me: Fine, I'll give it to you.

Josh: :D So, do I get a prize or something?

Me: Um... you get to choose your name on my phone.

Josh: Not as grand as I thought, but I'll take it.

Josh: Hmmm... what should it be?

Me: Idk, whatever you want

Josh: Hmmm... 'Sexy'

Me: -_- No, I'm not doing that.

Josh: Wait, what!? You said whatever I wanted.

Me: I know, now I'm telling you to pick another one.

Josh: -_- cheater

Josh: Fine, what about 'Joshismyfave'

Me: Better

Joshismyfave: Of course it is because it's true

Me: >o< Ha! Hardly

Joshismyfave: Rude

Me: Yup, that's me.

Me: So what are you doing on your date today?

Joshismyfave: Just go to a restaurant or something

Me: Sounds nice

Joshismyfave: Cool

Joshismyfave: I'm also going to break it off tonight.

Me: WAIT WHAT!?!?!? Why?

Joshismyfave: Because I don't like her that way. Why would I date someone I don't like?

Me: But you're a player; you date girls all the time

Joshismyfave: Yes, but they never last long

Joshismyfave: and besides...I like someone else right now

Me: Why am I not surprised?

Me: Alright at this point I don't care how you really feel, just act like you're interested on your date.

Joshismyfave: I will

Joshismyfave: Hey, I g2g now. Bye

Me: Okay bye.

I couldn't let Josh sabotage my best friend's date. There was only one solution I could think of: I had to sabotage him.

I looked at the time and saw it was 6:41. I quickly hopped out of bed and went downstairs.

"Hey mom, I have to go somewhere for a little bit. I will be back soon don't worry."

"You better be back before midnight."

I had one foot out the door, "I will, bye!" 

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