Chapter 5

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One Year Later

To our huge surprise, both our parents told us that we will be moving soon...and that's just what happened. Without, what felt like, a complete goodbye, were boarded two different airplanes and flew apart from each other. He went to California, and I went to Maryland. That's right, he was completely on the opposite side of the one of the biggest countries in the world. 

I came to find that my school life hardly changed at all

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I came to find that my school life hardly changed at all. 

"Welcome to second grade!" was the first thing.

"Why do you talk funny?" was another.

It was that year I also discovered what a "Kick-Me" sign was. They sent me to the assistant principle's office as if I had a clue where it came from. That was my life, and there's no taking that back.

Four Years Later

I finally graduated from those dreaded elementary school years. At least I can say things got better in middle school. I made friends, did well in school, and I did my best to forget the past. It may seem pathetic, but another milestone happened during that time, I hit my growth spurt and puberty. That being said, I was NOT a girly girl. I always seemed to wear baggy clothes, hated taking showers, and was very insecure about myself. I couldn't even wear my hair down because I was scared it would draw too much attention towards me and make me look strange.

 I couldn't even wear my hair down because I was scared it would draw too much attention towards me and make me look strange

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Three Years Later

High school, what a controversial subject. I'm currently a junior now, and I can say I've changed a lot from my middle school image. I became more girly; I got into fashion more, cared about personal hygiene, and greatly improved my GPA. However, the one thing I never touched was make-up. Make-up is a skill that I have absolutely no experience in, and I didn't want to make myself look like a fool. Besides, it costs oodles full of money which I didn't have. With all these changes, I started to become more popular, but I ignored them for the one person I have grown to trust with all my heart, Gabrielle. We have been together since seventh-grade, so I knew that her feelings towards me were genuine. 

Two Years Later (Junior Year)

*whispering in the background* "What's everybody talking about?" I turned to Gabrielle to see if she had any idea. She usually did; I don't know how, but she always seemed to know the latest and greatest gossip before me, not that it particularly mattered.

"We have a new student," she said with a mouthful of turkey & cheese sandwich.

"Oh, we get new students all the time."

"I know, but you asked."

I nodded my head, "True." I looked at the clock,

"It's 12:13, we better go now

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"It's 12:13, we better go now." Gabrielle and I always left two or three minutes before the bell rang to avoid being caught in the herd. We walked up and went to our lockers which were right outside the cafeteria. Right as I finished closing my locker, the bell rang and I went straight to math, one of my least exciting classes, but yet one of the easiest, so I didn't mind it. I went to my spot in the very back, as always, and started to look over my notes.

"Hello, welcome to my class. I am Mr. Wood your calculus teacher. I'm afraid there are no more seats in the front so you'll just have to sit in the back. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes sir, I think I'll be fine," and with that he smile at Mr. Wood and started to make his way to the back row. I, being totally oblivious, had no idea what was going on. 

The teacher walked to the front of the classroom and made a quick announcement.

The teacher walked to the front of the classroom and made a quick announcement

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"Class, we have a new student today. This is Mr. Jair. Mr. Jair please stand up," and he did just that. "Let's all give him a round of applause."

While still not paying attention, the sound of clapping became white noise to me, a rather disruptive one at that. It eventually died down though. 

I endured the rest of the class with slight head bobbing, but he didn't seem to notice. What woke me up was that bell.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!"

I stretched out my arms and got up to go to my next class which just happened to be right across the hall, Chinese. Again, another easy class, but I ate a lot in there so it's better than math.

"同学们下午好! (Good afternoon students)"

"老师下午好! (Good afternoon, teacher)"

"Today, we have a new student." I tried to pay attention in this class because I actually found this language interesting. "This is Beckett Jair, he will be joining our class starting today," We all clapped for him and he took a seat on the other side of the room. I took a glance at him when he was standing at up front, but since I am such and introvert and thought he was cute, I quickly looked away. I looked down at my hands so that my hair would cover up my face. I laughed under my breath and uttered, "There's no way."

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