Chapter 17

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No One's Pov:

After Melina and Addy put Nash in his bed, they laid him on his stomach with one foot hanging off the bed and have a bucket next to his head. After they were done situating with Nash, the girls are about to leave until Nash says something.

Melina's Pov:

"Wait, Melina stay," Nash begged, grabbing Melina's arm. He clung onto it for dear life and looked up at her. "Please."

I looked at Addy and she winked. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

After she said those last words, she left and closed the door, a smirk still on her face. 

"Uhm I don't know about that," I responded, wanting nothing more to get out of that room and go to my own comfy bed to sleep.

"Please?" Nash begged, giving me his best puppy dog face.

Tricks me every time.

"Okay, but no funny business!" I warned him, pointing a finger at him.

He put his hands up, surrendering.

I chuckled at his childish actions.

I walked around to the other side where the bucket wasn't at and got into the bed. I lied down, and turned my back towards him. 

The next thing I know, I was drifting away into a deep sleep.

*Seven Hours later*

I woke up to a bright flash and giggling.

"SHHH!" someone giggled, 

I squinted at the bright light and groaned.

"Please get out, I'm trying to sleep," I whined, rolling over. That's when I felt someone's body. "What the fuck?" I whispered, opening my eyes again.

"Oh shit she's awake!" Addy yelled, and ran out of my room. I heard about five other people run out, but I ignored it.

I looked up in horror and literally gasped when I saw the sight. There Nash was, sleeping away with his arm around me.

Wait, this isn't my bed. I thought, my eyes growing huge. These aren't my blankets either!

I then finally remembered that I gave in to lying down with Nash. God damnit Melina!

Right as I tried to run out of the room, I felt a pair of strong arms pull me closer.

I looked under the blanket to find Nash hugging me.

"Oh shit. I fell asleep in Nash's room!" I whispered, mentally face palming myself.

"I need to get out before he wakes up and before Cameron sees us and thinks we did something," I thought.

I tried pushing Nash off of me, but he didn't let go. I started to turn my body and he loosened his grip a bit. Then, I grabbed his arm and yanked them off of me.

Thankfully, he didn't wake up.

"Man, that boy sure can sleep," I laughed and ran out of the room as fast as I possibly could.

I quietly tiptoed to his door, opened it and closed it, and looked up and down the hallways to make sure nobody was coming. When the coast was clear, I ran to my room as fast as I could.

Right before I opened my door, I heard Cameron's door open.

"Shit!" I muttered to myself.

I tried to open my door but it would not open. "Fu-"

"Stop right there young lady!" Addy yelled, jumping right in front of me.

I gasped in horror, but calmed myself down when I realized it was Addy, not Nash.

"Hey.." I awkwardly said, chewing on the bottom of my lip.

"So what happened with you and Nash?" she said, trying to be serious.

"Nothing happened," I truthfully told her. I lied down, only meaning to be there for a second, and fell asleep by accident. 

"Mhm," she said with a smile, placing her hands on her hips and wiggling her eyebrows. You've got to be kidding me.

"I'm being serious!" I shouted desperately, trying to make her believe me.

Addy just laughed, and began to walk downstairs.

"Wait, why are you coming out of Cameron's room?" I said with a smirk growing on my face. Two can play at this game.

Addy stopped walking and turned to face me.

"I was checking up on Cameron to see if he threw up or anything," Addy smiled.

"Okay! Whatever you say," I laughed, mocking her.

"Melina, I am not that type of girl. You should know me by now," Addy smiled and continued to walk downstairs. I followed.

"I know, but after that little makeout sesh with Cam last night I see you as a different person," I lied, trying not to laugh. Who doesn't make out with their boyfriend? I couldn't blame her.

"Shut up," she playfully said and giggled. "Just tell me what happened later, I'm going to make the guys something to eat," she said and opened the fridge.

"I'll help you," I offered.

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