Chapter 03

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Chapter 03

The Football Players Sister.

 -At the party-

I sat on the couch in the front room and pulled out my phone.  I started to read a fan fiction I've been dying to read. If I wasn't going to have any fun here, I might as well make the best of it.

"Hey," a male voice approached me before I could even get to chapter two.

Oh hell no, nobody interrupts me during my Wattpad time!

My face was straight, and I looked up to who had previously ruined my three hour plan.

 The sight made my jaw almost drop. There standing was a very attractive boy with very pretty blue eyes and a nice smile. The boy was cute. Cute boys made me nervous.

"H-Hi," I stuttered, clearly unable to talk to cute humans.

He laughed and took a seat beside me, making the comfy black chair dip down. 

"So, why are you here sitting alone?"

I shrugged, putting my phone into my back pocket.

"I'm not into parties." he looked confused, probably thinking, then why the hell are you here? "My best friend Jessica made me come."

"Ah, poor you, this party was getting boring, so I just decided to take a seat for a while." He smiled.

His smile was so pretty. I could stare at his face all day.

Wait, what the hell?

"Well, thanks," I started, but was interrupted by Jessica literally jumping on the couch like a puma while laughing uncontrollably and swaying her head from side to side. Her entire body reeked of alcohol and sweat.


"Heeeey, this party is boooring, can we go home noow?" she slurred, obviously drunk. I looked at the time and it read, 10:45, damn it, we were supposed to stay until eleven, and I was most definetely looking foward to talking to the attractive brunette who was sitting beside me with an awkward expression.

But no, here Jessica is, wasted not even twenty minutes after we arrived.

Typical Jess, gotta love her..

my parents are going to be so mad, I was supposed to be home

"Jessica, let's get you home," I sighed, grabbing her arm and placing it around my shoulder.

I began walking but was stopped when the boy stopped right in front of me.

"Hey do you need some help?" he cutely chuckled. Aw!

I looked at Jessica, who was giggling about Channing Tatum or some shit, then at the car parked outside, then at the boy.

"Please, if you want," I finally decided.

Once we both got Jessica to my car, I thanked him.

"Thank you for helping me, I kind of knew this would happen," I sighed.

"It's fine, no worries." He smiled and I returned it. "Oh, hey, could I get your number?"

"Oh yeah, it's 555-342-982," I told him while I fanned my clammy and sweaty skin. In California, it was always so damn hot.

He gave me his, and when I was about to get into my car he shouted out a "Good luck with her!"

"Thanks!" I called back, then got into my car quickly and drove off to my house.

On the way home, Jessica kept slurring random stuff from One Direction to pretty purple panda's.

"Oh my gooood, I like your dress toooo!" Jessica exclaimed boldly,  giggling in the process. I slightly jumped from her sudden outburst and sighed, biting my lip to keep myself from bursting out laughing.

A drunk Jessica is most people's favorite Jessica. Mostly because she's hilarious as shit, but also because she can dance and run around like nobodies business.

But any kind of Jessica was my favorite.

Drunk or not, she's always going to be the one person I can count on for anything.


"Melina," Jess groaned for the fiftieth time. "My head huurts." Jessica rubbed her temples and frowned.

I continued to smear the peanut butter on the bread for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I was making for Jessica, and sang, "That's what you get for drinking way too much."

Jessica groaned again.

I put the remaining jelly from the container on the sandwich, put the two pieces of bread together, and placed it in front of Jess. I took a seat beside her and watched awkwardly as she hungrily devoured the whole entire thing. When she has a hangover, she eats like an animal.

"Do you want coffee?" I yawned, and blinked rapidly, trying to keep myself awake.

Jessica decided it was cool to wake up at six in the morning, and complain about how hungry she was. Being the good best friend I am, I of course got my lazy butt up and made her a pb & j sandwich. Ever since I drove her to my place, I've been like her mother.

"Yes, please," she said and lay her head down on the table, shutting her eyes.

I shook my head, walked back to the kitchen, and then made Jess her coffee. When it was done, I put in a spoon full of sugar, and some vanilla flavoring, her favorite.

"Here you go," I yawned again, then placed the pink polka dot mug on the table in front of her.

She looked at it, then at me, and smiled.

"Thanks Melina, really, for being so nice to me. I mean, I did make you drive me home at two in the morning, you took me to your place and let me crash, and then now, you woke up at six in the morning just because I was complaining, I really do appreciate it." Jessica looked sad, like she regretted all of it.

The party sucked anyways, I mean, all I did was sit on a couch and read a fan fiction as Jessica had the time of her life, but I am socially awkward, and can't seem to make friends..

"It's okay," I shrugged. "That's what best friends are for, right?"

Jess smiled and took a sip of her steaming hot coffee. I winced at the sight. Coffee that wasn't from Starbucks and freezing cold was disgusting. And how could she even handle letting steaming hot liquid trickle down her throat? Didn't it burn?

I guess I may never know because I sure am hell not ever letting my throat burn to death from hot coffee.



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