Chapter 07

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Re-Written Version


"Dude, it's not that bad, chill." 

"Yea it is, I hate Nash," I huffed. Right as Jessica was about to say something, I heard loud music literally blasting through the walls. We looked at each other and I arched a brow. "What are they even doing?" 

Jessica shrugged. "I don't know, but it's freaking annoying. I'll go tell them to stop if you want," she said, getting up.

I put a hand out, signaling for her to sit back down. Cameron would probably yell at her because I've recently found out that those two can't stand each other. "No, I'll go."

She nodded and I went out of the room, and entered the room the loud music was. With a clenched jaw, I opened the door angrily and balled my fists. "Can you turn that down? I have company!" I said between gritted teeth, looking directly at Cameron. There they were, the three boys who are going to ruin my summer.

Cameron laughed. "Pft, sure you do." With that, he began to walk up to close the door that I was standing behind, and began to close it, but, I kicked it back open with my right foot.

That made me even more angry. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but I continued my little rant. "Yes, I do. Jessica is over. And if you don't turn it down, I'll let Mom know that you pay a little freshman to do your homework, and oh, I forgot, I'll also tell her that you ditched two times this week. And got an F on your History quiz. So, I suggest you turn that down now," I grinned. He knew I had all kinds of things to blackmail him with, but he just raised his eyebrows, placed his hands on his hips and chuckled.

"Yeah, like she'll believe you," he scoffed. The thre boys were about to laugh, but I stopped them with my words.

"Like hell she won't! I have all of your teachers notes that say you haven't been to school, and that freshman is also Jessica's cousin, and he loves me. Turn it down, or your secrets won't be secrets anymore, got it?" I pointed a finger at him while saying my words, and the two boys that were sitting on the bed, watching this whole argument go down, started bursting with laugher. I didn't move at all. 

He swallowed hard and finally reached over, and made turned down his music, defeated. 

I smirked, and left the room. "Ha, I won, loser," I muttered under my breath with a small laugh.


"Everyone! Dinner!" Mom yelled from down stairs. I was sitting alone with Jessica in my room reading a book and listening to Justin Bieber while Jessica was on Tumblr. We ran down the stairs and I took a seat beside Mom, while Jessica was sitting beside me. With a long sigh, I grabbed my fork and began to eat the homemade lasagna. I didn't care who was watching me eat like an animal, I was starving.

"Everyone, I have something to share with you," Cameron said, tapping his spoon on his glass. I groaned.

Mom smiled at him. "Go ahead, Sweetheart," she encouraged.

All five boys at the table smirked, and Cameron cleared his throat. "Okay, so, I have a girlfriend."

I scoffed. "Yeah, you have a new one every other day." 

Jessica smirked while taking another bite of lasagna.

Mom looked at me. I knew she was thinking it because she hid a smile and told Cameron to keep going on.

Nash smiled at me the whole time I stared at Cameron, pretending to be interested in girlfriend of the day.

Cameron ignored me and kept going. "But, I really like her, and I'm pretty sure we're going to be together for a long time." He smiled, and Nash, who was sitting beside him, pat his back.

Mom looked at me and Jessica and grinned. "Yeah, right," I whispered to Jess. She smiled and bit the insides of her cheek to keep from laughing.

Cameron's jaw dropped, looking hurt. "Hey! Why are you three smiling at this? I'm serious!"

Mom and I rolled our eyes. "Sure, you are. You say that about everyone," I say, shaking my head. Cameron glared at me and Jessica nodded.

I sent a glare back. "Don't be offended, if you heard yourself talking about all 10,000 girlfriends, you wouldn't believe yourself either."

Cameron looked at me directly in the eye. "I'm serious, Melina. And she's coming over tonight, so you better be nice to her!" he said, sending me a death glare.

I scoffed. Probably another slut, I silently thought in my head. "Great."

Mom raised a brow. "Tonight? Why?"

Cameron licked his lips. "We're going bowling tonight," he signaled to him and his friends. Lie. Like he would take a girl out bowling for fun. She'd be lucky if she even got to meet Cameron's friends, let alone go bowling with them.

Mom smirked. "Melina's going with you."

"WHAT?!" We both said at the same time, getting up from our seats. No way! I don't want to meet another one of his whores!

Mom stood up too. "Yes! She needs to get out and socialize, and if this thing between you and girlfriend #10,000, Melina and Jessica will have to accept. And if they accept, I accept." I smiled. I had power over who he dates! Something new to blackmail him with!

Cameron's jaw dropped a second time tonight. "WHAT?! Why can't I accept?"

Me and Mom bursted out in laughter. Between laughs, I managed to get out, "If you were in charge of who's worthy or not, you'd probably be dating some random stripper!" Once I said those words, everybody except Cameron laughed. He stood there, and glared at me.

"Sorry, but it's true babe," Mom said to Cameron.

"Fine," he huffed, "but we're not hanging out."

I laughed. "That's more than okay with me."


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