Chapter 08

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re-written version


I sat at a table by myself, and when I saw the boys bowling, I just got out my phone and started to text Jessica since she was at the Arcade two rooms away. I was tired and out of money, so I just took a seat at one of the booths and drank a Coca Cola.

To: Jess

hurry it up man.

I put the phone down and swiped the hair off of my shoulders and behind my back. Within seconds, Jessica replied.

From: Jessica

hey, let me be a kid again! I'll be there in a sec. 

I laughed and quickly texted back.

To: Jess

okay, but hurry though.

When I put my phone back down, I noticed someone walking in. She was really pretty. Her brown medium length hair was put into a fishtail, and she had a tall medium sized body.

That couldn't be..

"No," I whispered right as the pretty girl walked to Cam and gave him a hug.

I face palmed myself, she's way out of his league. I smiled when I realized she didn't look like those girls he normally dated. She wore a shirt that completely covered her, fair length shorts, and black converse. Eh, my kind of girl. Right as I stood up to go greet her, I heard my phone buzz on the table. I picked it up and slid the "Unlock" button.

From: Jessica

we'll see.

Almost instantly, I texted back.

To: Jessica

Dude, she's not slutty at all! I mean, she looks normal! You gotta see this,

I put my phone back in my pocket, and walked up to the couple. "Hi," I greeted with a smile. "I'm Melina, Cameron's sister."

The girl, smiled, showing her deep dimples. Wow, you could eat cereal in those. "Hey, I'm Adriana, but you can call me Addie," she smiled again, and shook the hand I offered.

Wow, I wonder what made Cameron decide he needed someone logical to date. Right as I opened my mouth to say something, Jess literally swung open the door and yelled, "I'm here!" 

Everybody looked at her, but she didn't seem to care. "One sec," I pointed a finger at Addie and ran to Jessica.

"Dude! Look at her!" I pointed to Addie and Jessica gasped.

"Oh my God! She-She's normal," Jessica gasped again and walked up to her.

"I know right!" I whispered. Once we reached her again, I smiled.

"Hey, this is my best friend, Jessica," I pointed to Jess.


Addie smiled again. Hey, she even had perfect teeth! "Hi, Jessica."

Jessica looked at Addie like she was a celebrity or something. "Wow, I can't believe you're not slutty!" Jessica slapped a hand over her mouth and I nudged her shoulder.

Addie just laughed. "Um, thanks?"

"Ladies," Cameron interrupted. "Leave my girlfriend alone, yeah?" He faked a smile.

I glared, but then faked a smile also and looked at Addie. "I was just shocked that you're actually not dating a slutty girl! Congrats, Cameron."

Addie bit her lip to stop from laughing. "I appreciate not being called a slut," she laughed.

Cameron sighed and looked at Jessica. "Why's she here?"

I raised my eyebrows. "She has a name, Idiot. And you know what I know, so."

Cameron rolled his eyes and grabbed Addie's hand, pulling her away. "Nice to meet you!" She waved as Cameron literally dragged her away from us.

Jessica and I walked to a booth for two and sighed. "Wow," she said.

"Yeah, wow."

"I still can't believe it!" Jessica laughed.

I nodded. "I know right!"

When Jessica was about to say something, Nash and Hayes walked up to us. "Hello, girls, mind if we sit down?" Nash asked.

I looked at Jessica and she rolled her eyes. "Hayes, yes, Nash, no," I said, and smiled at Nash.

Nash frowned and \Hayeslaughed. "Too bad," he said, and pulled up a chair. Hayes did the same.

"What do you want, Nash?" Jessica asked, almost as annoyed as I am. A good thing about having her as a best friend is she hates Nash, too. And for the same reason, he was a jerk.

"Can't I sit and talk with two pretty ladies?" He asked, placing a hand on his heart, pretending to be hurt.

"No," we both said in sync.

Hayes coughed.

"So Melina, what do you think about Cameron's new girl?" He asked, winking.

I shrugged. "She's actually really nice," I admitted. I have only liked two of his girlfriends he's ever had, including Adriana.

Hayes nodded.

"I know right," he whispered as Cameron began to walk up to us with Addie. "And she's not slutty, that's a change."

I laughed and agreed.

"Hello," Addie greeted us. I smiled.

"Where's Taylor and Carter?" Jessica asked, looking around trying to find them. I'm pretty sure she had a crush on Taylor.

It was Cameron's smart idea to invite Taylor and Carter, because he said Nash and Hayes were not enough company since I had came.


I smirked.

"Arcade, anyways, I was wondering, Melina, do you approve?" he asked, sending me a smirk.

I smiled. "Yes, I do. And I'm glad you finally found someone I like." Addie smiled at me.

Cameron grinned and left with Addie.

"You really like her, huh?" Nash whispered.

I nodded. "Yeah, I do."


The time we spent at the bowling alley was the most fun day I've had in months. The two boys weren't actually that bad, but Nash still annoyed me. I hung out with Addie, and she's not mean like I thought she'd be. She's actually very cool, and everyone seems to like her. 

I was currently lying down in my bed, watching Bob's Burgers with Jessica beside me when Mom secretly walked in. "Mel?"

I sat up and smiled. "Yea?"

Mom sat on my bed and checked to see if anyone was listening. When the coast was clear, she whispered, "How is she?"

"Who?" I asked, what is she even talking about?

Mom sighed. "The girl! Cameron's girlfriend of the week?"

"Ooh!" I said, and face palmed myself. "Yeah, her. Well, I actually really like her. And Cam seems happy with her so.."

"Is she, you know, hookerish?"

Jessica and I laughed.I shook my head. "Nope, the opposite, actually. It even surprised me and the four boys."

My mom gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yup," Jessica replied, and pulled the cover up to her shoulders.

"Does that mean.."

"Yes, we approve," I said.


wooot woot. cam's new girlfriend yey. okay, so, yes, addie is a real person. by description and everything. she's played by a friend, and her name is addie. (duh)

so dedicated to addie woohoo!

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