Chapter 05

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I was currently sitting in Algebra 2, the worst class of all, when Nash poked my arm. I ignored it and kept trying to listening to what the teacher was saying, but he poked it again. This time, I slapped his hand away, causing him to groan.

"Stop!" I hissed, getting very annoyed. I hated being in Algebra 2. Mostly because Nash was in this class, but just my luck, Cameron is in the class too. And he was sitting right in front of me, while Nash was sitting beside me. Double annoyance.

Nash smiled, feeling relieved that he finally got my attention. I turned back to the teacher, but my head snapped in his direction once he said, "Guess I'm spending the summer with you, huh?"

I glared. "Not my choice," I scoffed. I wish he didn't even know my brother. Life would be so much easier.

"You know you'll love spending time with me, four three months." That's it, I thought to myself.

"Listen you little-" I was cut off by Ms. Jacobs' coughing. "Ehm?"


"Talking in my class, Miss Dallas?" She said, glaring an intense glaze. I sunk down in my chair and sighed. I was never going to get out of this.

"It won't happen again," I assured her, still panicking.

She raised an eyebrow. "If I catch you talking again, detention for two days, you two, Mister Grier." Her gaze left mine, and to Nash's as she said her last words. We both nodded and she returned back to teaching.

I glared at Nash. "I hate you," I mouthed.

He smirked.

"Get used to it, Melina," Cameron butted it.

"Yeah, we'll be living together for the summer." Somehow, I don't think he understood that Ms. Jacobs was right there, listening to us. I stood still, and when Nash felt all the stares, he turned around back in his seat, and sunk down.

"DETENTION! ALL THREE OF YOU!" Ms. Jacob's yelled, making her double chin jiggle. I couldn't keep my laughter in. I let out a slight laugh, but thank goodness nobody heard. When the detention part sunk in, I sunk down in my chair, this has to be the worst day ever.


"I can't believe you two got me detention for two days because you couldn't keep your mouth shut!" I nearly yelled at both of them as we all walked back into her room for a three hour detention period. They had gotten me here, for six hours just because they couldn't help but annoy me.

Cameron rolled his eyes. "Calm down, it's only two days, you're acting like its two months."

I sighed. "Oh can you believe it? Five more days until I get to spend three months with you!" Nash cheered, hugging me.

I wiggled out of his grip and glared. "So glad I get to spend those three months with my best friend." I fake smiled.

Nash put an arm on my shoulder. "That's the spirit!"


Those three hours were the worst. All I did was sit at a desk, and listened to some teacher talk about the olden days. I didn't care what he was saying, I just wanted to get home.

After the three hours were over, Cameron took me home and we prepared for the lecture we were soon about to get. When we entered that door, Mom exploded. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? IT'S BEEN THREE HOURS! I WAS WORRIED!"

Me and Cameron exchanged glances. "Detention," was all he said. Then, he walked up to his room.

"Nu-uh, come back here!" Mom yelled. Cameron groaned and came back down.


"Both of you? Detention? Why?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. I sighed.

"Because big mouth over here, and his dumb best-"

"Melina! Nice languange," Mom reminded me.

I slouched down. "Oh, right, Big mouth over here, and his unintelligent best friend," I corrected myself, earning rolled eyes from Mom. "Decided to annoy me and we got in trouble, can I go do homework now?" Cameron rolled his eyes.

Mom pointed a finger at us and gave us that 'Mom' look. "I expect this to never happen again, understood?"

We both nodded.

"Okay, now go upstairs and do your homework."

"Stupid," I muttered to Cameron. "I can't believe your best friends with that guy."

He laughed. "You have plently of friends that I don't like, either, yet you're still friends with them." He stood in front of his bedroom door and crossed his arms over his chest.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Like who?" There was no one he could possibly dislike. I mean, all of my friends got along fine with him.

"Like your annoying friend Jessica."

I glared at him. "There's nothing wrong with Jessica. Atleast she's not a total dimwit like that jerk of a friend you call Nash," I retorted, walking to my room.

"Get used to that "dimwit" because you're going to have to spend the entire summer with him," he snorted, clearly amused that I was hating this whole thing.

I rolled my eyes, then opened my door. "I can handle it," I lied. I most likely will burst and probably slap Nash senseless if he annoys me one bit. There's just something about that boy that makes my hatred for him grow every single day.

"Yeah, right." Cameron laughed a bit as if saying, "you won't make it alive a day," and closed his door, very hard, I might add.

I sighed and closed my door. It wouldn't be that bad, only a summer, right? .


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