Funeral and Farewell

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Nimmeth's POV

"Thorin! King Under The Mountain
Alas no more shall rule this domain
We brethren must go on without him
And ensure his death was not in vain

In sleep eternal he will rest
With the Arkenstone upon his breast
Which evermore shall emit its light
To banish the darkness of unending night

And on his tomb is Orcrist laid
An Elven blade forged in Elder Days
To warn of foes and roving orcs
And ward off all evil from Erebor

How shall we remember our fallen friend
Who conquered Dragon Sickness in the end?
A warrior, leader, a proud flawed king?
A worthy descendant of mighty Durin!" I finish singing my lament to Thorin. A few clap smiling with tears in their eyes. I'm wearing a black and silver dress, with my hair down. I notice Bilbo sneak away and I follow after him along with Balin. It was time for us to leave with Gandalf.

"There is to be a great feast tonight. Songs will be song, tales will be told and Thorin Oakenshield will pass into legend" Balin tells us.

"I know that's how you must honor him, but to me he was never that - he me...he was" Bilbo says unable to find the words. I place a hand on his shoulder and he relaxes. I look back to Balin in front of us.

"Well, I think we'll slip quietly away. Will you tell the others we said goodbye?" I ask him.

"You can tell' em yourself" Balin states. We look back and smile as we sees the other dwarves standing behind Balin along with Tauriel. Bilbo speaks to all of them.

"If any of you ever passing Bag End, tea is at four - there's plenty of it. You are welcome anytime, same you Nimmeth" he tells me. "Eh, don't bother knocking"  he adds smiling. The dwarves chuckle, some of them wiping away tears. Bilbo, after waving goodbye, walks toward Gandalf, who is waiting with his horse and a pony for Bilbo. Along with a horse for me.

"Fili rule them well as I know you will and Kili I expect a wedding invitation soon" I tell the brothers. "Tauriel take care of Kili" I tell her.

"I will and tell Legolas I say hi is you see him" she states.

"I doubt we'll ever meet then" I tell her. Then say goodbye to the remaining dwarves. Telling Oin he's always welcome to come to Rivendell to more elf ways of healing. Gandalf then leads Bilbo and I to Dale. Where we say goodbye Bard, his children, Radaghast the Brown and Beorn. I also change into a new traveling dress. We then set off for Rivendell.


We arrived in Rivendell safely and father was overjoyed to see me safe. Bilbo and Gandalf stayed a night before leaving for the Shire. While I've been grounded for the next century. Only allowed to leave to go to Lothlorien and only with an armed guard. I was hugged to death by my three older siblings. My grandparents were there also to greet me. The only one missing was Aragorn, who was apparently with the rangers up north.

I then continued on with my training as future queen. My brothers saving me occasionally by taking me hunting or to spare. Arwen took me riding sometimes also against father's wishes. Father even had me continue to learn more about healing. When I'm not training, I am writing and/or reading letters.

Aragorn returned a couple of weeks later and was happy to see I was ok. I told him all about my adventure to Erebor. He then told me how he meet Legolas. Also that Legolas wouldn't stop talking about me. But ignored that still annoyed at Legolas leaving while I was unconscious. He didn't even leave a letter. Aragorn gave me one from him, but I just put it in a box. Along with the others he sent me. If he wants to talk, he would have to come see me himself and apologize.

The End


Picture above of Nimmeth's funeral dress and video above of her lament to Thorin. Picture on the external link of Nimmeth's traveling dress. See you in Nimmeth's next adventure in the Lord of the Rings. Will Nimmeth ever forgive Legolas? Does she join the fellowship of the ring?

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