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Nimmeth's POV

We survived the fall into the water and the archer temporally bond my wounded shoulder. When the sun rose we found the others on the beach. The two girls run and hugged their father & brother. I smiled gently and walked over the Tauriel. "Legolas well kill when he sees you are hurt" she states as she cleans my shoulder and binds it properly.

"It's just a scratch Tauriel" I assure her. "Besides I can handle Legolas go say goodbye" I tell her. Just then Kili calls her over and I go to talk to Oin. "Do you guys mind if I tag along? I wish to establish a treaty between Rivendell and Erebor" I ask him and the other three.

"Of course you are always welcome" Oin states as Rhawel approaches me. She tackled me to the ground and I laughed hugging her neck ignoring the pain. "She was very worried about you as was the pup" Oin tells me chuckling. As a little fur ball pounces on me when Rhawel pulls away.

"I'm okay Braigon are you and Rhawel hungry?" I ask him. He licked my cheek and I giggle putting him down. I gave him some meat cubes and Rhawel some meat slices.

"Nimmeth, Tauriel take cín leave -o i dwarves" Legolas said behind us. (Translation: Nimmeth, Tauriel take your leave of the dwarves.)

"Nin hir Legolas" Tauriel states not facing him. (Translation: My lord Legolas.)

"You are needed elsewhere" Legolas tells her before facing me. I smiled and run into his open arms. "I am glad you are safe Princess Nimmeth" he states as I pull away.

"I am and I too am glad to see you are unharmed" I tell him. "Legolas I must go to Erebor to establish a treaty" I state. "Please n- safe until im rinn-" I tell him. (Translation: Please be safe until I return.)

"Im will a nin emel will wimp until im see cin ad-" he states kissing my forehead. (Translation: I will and my heart will wimp until I see you again.) I then head to the boat and Fili helps me get on. Rhawel was already in it and Braigon climbed onto my lap. I wave goodbye to Tauriel and Legolas as we row away. "Tauriel, please take care -o Legolas an nin" I call back to her and she nods her head in agreement. (Translation: Tauriel, please take care of Legolas for me.)

"So you and the prince huh?" Fili asks in a teasing tone.

"It's not like that Fili" I tell him.

"Oh really?" Kili asks smirking with his brother.

"Legolas and I only just meet a few days ago" I remind them.

"But you love him and want to have little elf babies with him" they sang.

"I do not, so be quiet or I'll set Rhawel on you" I tell them sternly and Rhawel bears her teeth. They shut up and we soon reach the shore of where the mountain is. "Come Rhawel let's go see the others" I say getting out of the boat still holding Braigon. He had pretty much fallen asleep, and it was safe for him to be out. So why put him back into the basket.

Fili lead the way with Kili while I stuck with Bofur and Oin. We soon reached the gates of Erebor. "Wow I can't wait to see the inside if it looks this magnificent on the outside" I state. Oin chuckles as we climbed the stairs. When they saw the gate not blocked they run towards it with Rhawel and I bringing up the rear. I thought they should be the first to step into the mountain as this was there home.

"Hello" Kili calls and it echos through the mountain.

"Bombur, Bifur" Bofur calls and no one answers. "Anybody?" he calls out as we walked through the wrecked entrance. As they lead the way I followed and we soon reached a chamber full of staircases.

"Wait!" a voice shouted as we reached a landing.

"That's Bilbo" I tell them as he appears in front of us. I give him a one armed hug.

"Stop" he tells us pulling away. "You need to leave, we all do" he states.

"We only just got here" Bofur says confused and he wasn't the only one.

"I've tried talking to him and he won't listen" Bilbo states.

"What do you mean laddy?" Oin asks.

"Thorin" Bilbo states. "He's been down there for days, he doesn't sleep and barely eats" he explains. "He hasn't been himself not at all, it's this place" he continues. "I think a sickness lies on it" he finishes.

"A sickness?" Kili asks.

"He's not wrong I feel something is wrong" I tell them as Rhawel leans against me gently. I only feel it now as we stood still. "Rhawel, beri- hon with cín cuil" I tell her placing Braigon back into his basket sealing it. (Translation: Rhawel, protect him with your life.)

"What kind of sickness?" Kili asks Bilbo and I. But Fili goes around Bilbo and down from where he had appeared. Bilbo tried to stop him and we all followed. We soon reached the treasury where there was pails of gold as far as the eye could see. I stayed back a little knowing I shouldn't have come here. It wasn't safe if Thorin has indeed got the sickness Father had told me about.

"Behold the great treasure hall of Thror" Thorin states as he appears. He throws a ruby at us and Fili catches it. "Welcome my sister's sons to the kingdom of Erebor" he declares. "Why are you here elf?" he asks me and Rhawel growls at his disrespect.

"Easui Rhawel" I tell her (translation: Easy Rhawel.) "I have come to ask for a treaty between the great Kingdom of Erebor and Rivendell" I tell Thorin. "But if you wish not to form one then Rhawel and I will take our leave" I add.

"You do not want any of this?" he asks gesturing to the treasure.

"No King Thorin only a treaty so that none of our people will suffer at the hand of the other" I assure him.

"Then you are welcome Princess Nimmeth, Bilbo show them to the dining room" Thorin states. Before leaving us with Bilbo who lead us to the dining room. I greeted Balin with a hug and shook Dwalin's hand. I then hugged Gloin before Thorin reappeared. "I want all of you to search for the Arkenstone, Princess come with me if you wish to discuss this treaty" he tells us. I follow him as the others head back to the treasury. Thorin and I reached a balcony of sorts that over looked the treasury hall. I sat down with Rhawel beside me as Thorin stood in front of me.


The picture above of Erebor front gate.

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