Meeting Thranduil

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Nimmeth's POV

We soon reached a gate and Legolas stopped to make sure we all went through. He then ordered the guards to close the gate behind us. Tauriel took the dwarves into the dungeons as I follow behind with Legolas and Rhawel who was carrying the basket again. I kept silent to stop myself from protesting as the dwarves were shoved into cells. I noticed Bilbo was not among them and made a point to keep his identity secret.

Once they were in cells I saw Legolas speaking to Tauriel and heard movement from within the basket. "Braigon please be quiet, when I am alone I'll feed you" I tell the pup quietly. Legolas joined me and gave me a curious look as to why I was talking to a basket.

"I will take you to my father now Nimmeth" he tells me. Using my name instead of my title because I told him too. "What is in that basket?" he asks as he leads me to the throne room.

"Why do you have a crush on Tauriel?" I ask avoiding the question and he blushed.

"I do not, she is like a little sister to me" he tells me. "Don't think I notice you trying to change the subject" he states knowingly. "What is in the basket?" he asks again as we stopped before a pair of big oak doors.

"Promise not to tell anyone" I say and he nods his head. Sighing I take out some meat and kneel down beside Rhawel. Making sure no one was around before opening the basket. "Here you go Braigon, I'll give you more later" I tell him giving him three small pieces of meat.

"Is that what I think it is?" Legolas asks looking over my shoulder at the pup. I close the lid sealing it before turning to face him. That is when I notice how close he is and blush lightly as he does. We step back from each other.

"A warg pup yes, Rhawel saved him when he was born. The orcs were going to kill him as he was the runt" I explain quietly.

"I promise to tell no one" he tells me squeezing my hand lightly. I give him a weak smile as he lets go of it. He knocks on the door and a man's voice tells us to enter. We do so to be greeted by a slightly older version of Legolas lounging on a chair with a staff. "Father allow me to introduce Princess Nimmeth of Rivendell" Legolas says and I curtsy.

"An honour King Thranduil my father spoke highly of you" I tell him straightening up. "I wish to discuss the unlawful imprisonment of my dwarf companions and why your forest is sick" I state firmly. Rhawel sits on my left side and Legolas is on my right.

"You have grown since I last saw you Nimmeth and you as well Rhawel" Thranduil says standing from his throne and descended the stairs.

"I remember now, Mum told me you gave me Rhawel as a gift after my birth" I say and he nods his head.

"Now I am afraid the dwarves will stay here unless Thorin agrees to my deal" he tells me. I nod my head it seemed fair. "I order the spider nest to be destroyed a week ago and will be speaking to my captain about the matter" he reassures me. "Now we are going to have a feast tonight and I would be honoured if you attended with Legolas" he tells me.

"I'd be honoured if that is ok with Legolas" I say looking at Legolas who nods his head.

"Splendid, of course you can't continue traveling with the dwarves" Thranduil says returning to his throne. "Now there will be no discussion on the matter, you need to return to Rivendell or Lothlorien. To continue your training as future queen of both realms" he tells me firmly before I could protest.

"Legolas shall show you to your quarters and will be your escort during your stay" he tells me. I nod my head and Legolas starts to lead me from the room. "Oh and Legolas send Tauriel here to give her report" Thranduil tells him.

"Of course father" Legolas says and the doors close behind us. "I will have Tauriel report to your chambers after her field report" he tells me. "She will help you prepare for the feast and I will collect you ten minutes before it begins" he explain. I nod my head in understanding and he leaves me in my chambers.


Picture above of Thranduil lounging in throne

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