King and Reunion

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Nimmeth's POV

We were brought before the goblin king and I am glad my hood is still up. "Who has you brought to me smugglers thieves?" he asks the other goblins.

"Dwarves and a man your malevolence" the one restraining Ori answers.

"Will search and disarm them" the king orders "and remove that ones hood" he adds. The goblins take my bag and bow & arrows removing my hood. But not my cloak or dagger. "A she elf, why would a she elf travel with dwarves?" the goblin kings asks. Just then an other dwarf finds a bunch of silver wear from Rivendell in Nori's bag.

"They appear to have an alliance with elves" a goblin states handing one of the silver wear to the king. While I and the others glare at Nori.

"Just a few keep sacks" he mumbles.

"This was made in Rivendell and that must be where the she-elf is from" the king states. As he tries to look at my face, but I look at the ground avoiding his gaze. "Tell me why would dwarves and a she-elf be so far from home" he orders us. None of us say anything and this seems to annoy him greatly. "If they will not talk then bring out the bone-breaker, start with the she-elf" he orders his followers.

The ones restraining me start to pull me forward as I try to dig my heels in. The dwarves all shout their protest, but it was only when Thorin spoke did the goblins stop. "Stop" he declares stepping forward where the goblin king can see him.

"Well, well, well! Look who it is; Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the mountain. Oh, but I'm forgetting; you don't have a mountain, and you're not a king, which makes you... nobody, really" the goblin king declares and the other goblins laugh. "I know someone who has a price on your head. Just the head nothing else" he states. "A certain pale orc that rides atop a white warg" he tells Thorin.

"Azog the Defiler is dead" Thorin states.

"So you think his defiling days is done" the goblin king states. He then walks over to a small goblin in some sort of swing chair and says. "Send word to the pale orc, tell him we have found his prize and a she-elf of great value." The small goblin writes it down pulls a lever and slides away on a line.

Just then one of his followers found Thorin's sword and started to pull it out of it's sheath. Before dropping it and backing away screaming. This catches the kings attention and he to backs away. Ordering the other goblins to kill all of us.

Suddenly a bright light fills the room knocking everyone back. The goblins holding me release their hold and I grab my bag first then my bow & arrows. "Take up arms, fight" Gandalf orders the dwarves and I as the light dims. I start shooting goblins covering for the dwarves as they reclaim their weapons.

We then follow Gandalf through the town as he leads the way. As we continue to fight and kill any goblin in our way. Soon we get cornered on a bridge by the goblin king and his followers. "You think you could escape?" he asks us. "What are you going to do wizard?" he asks Gandalf.

Gandalf cuts his stomach with his sword and the goblin king kneels holding his wound. "Aye, that will do it" he tells Gandalf. Who then cuts his throat killing the goblin king, who falls onto the bridge.

Which gives way underneath us and I grab a rope to swing down as the others fall with Gandalf. When I land I helped Gandalf out of the ramble. "Well that wasn't so bad" Ori states from where he and the others are still under the destroyed bridge. Just then the goblin king's dead body fell onto top on all of them.

"You having to be kidding" one the others says. I go over and start helping them out of the wreckage. When a bunch of goblins start heading out way. Gandalf said only sun light can save us and we ran following him. We soon exited the mountain, but continue running a short way until we are sure we weren't followed.

"Bofur, Bombur, Gloin that's nine" Gandalf says counting us. "Fili, Kili that's eleven" he says. "Dwalin, Nimmeth and Thorin that's  thirteen, where's our hobbit?" he finishes asking us. I look around noticing Bilbo is indeed not with us. "Where is Bilbo?" Gandalf asks again.

"I last saw him with Dori" Bofur tells Gandalf.

"Don't blame this on me" Dori tells Bofur angrily.

"Just tell me what happened, when did you last see him?" Gandalf asks us.

"I last saw him slip away as we were caught" Dwalin says.

"But where is he now?" Gandalf asks Dwalin.

"I will tell you what happened" Thorin tells Gandalf and I have feeling it wouldn't be anything good. "The hobbit saw his chance and took it, he is probably halfway back to Rivendell. All he has talked about since the beginning of the quest is his warm bed and books. Trust me he is gone" he finishes.

"No he's not" a small voice says before I can protest. Bilbo steps out from behind a tree and I hug him lightly. The other dwarves were asking him how he escaped the goblins. But he didn't answer, but I saw him slip something into his jacket pocket.

"Why did you come back?" Thorin asks Bilbo and I place a hand on Bilbo's shoulder.

"Look, I know you doubt me, I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. That's why I came back, 'cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can" Bilbo says.Thorin was speechless and as were me & the others.

There was a warg howl and Gandalf said "out of the frying pan."

"And into the fire" Thorin finishes and we all make a ran for it Gandalf leading the way. I stayed close to the back taking down any foe I see. But I am running out of arrows fast and decide to just continue running next to Bilbo. Some group reunion, now we are all close to dying at the hands of the orcs and wargs.

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