Mountain and Goblins

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Nimmeth's POV

I had just finished getting ready and sent Rhawel on ahead of us. As I left my room before the sun raised I felt my grandmother enter my head. You are leaving with them she states already knowing my intentions.

I have to grandmother it is the only way I can prove myself I tell her. Father would never allow me to go so I must slip away I inform her.

And I shall cover for you my granddaughter, but know that I'll be watching over you she informs me before leaving my head. Sighing I pulled on my cloak and sneaked out of Rivendell. After making sure I had all my weapons and enough lemas bread to last a month. I had my grandfather's from my father's side of the family old dagger as well as my bow and arrows.

 I had my grandfather's from my father's side of the family old dagger as well as my bow and arrows

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I reached the dwarves as they were about to enter the wild

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I reached the dwarves as they were about to enter the wild. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming" Fili said when he saw me. This alerted the others to my presence. I nodded my head to Thorin and he turned to Balin telling him to lead the way. As we started heading into the misty mountains I heard Thorin tell Bilbo to keep up.

"No sword lassie? That bow won't help you in close quarters" Dwalin told her.

"I have my grandfathers dagger if needed and it has never failed me" I tell him. He nodded his head and walked faster to catch up to Thorin. When I saw some dwarves passing money around. "What's that about?" I ask Fili and Kili.

"Some of us made bets on weather or not you'd show" Kili tells me.

"We did the same with Bilbo at the start of the journey" Fili explains.

"Want did you to bet?" I ask curious. Just then two small pouches of money were thrown their way. Fili and Kili caught one each before placing it in their jacket pockets.

"We never doubted you" Kili says and we continue to walk.

(later that night)

It was raining and I hoped Rhawel was ok & that she found shelter. I saw Bilbo lose his footing and grabbed his arm pulling him away from the edge. "Be more careful Bilbo" I tell him letting go of his arm. Bilbo stuck close to me as we continued to ascend the mountain. We were assured there would shelter soon up ahead where we could rest and be out of the storm.

"This isn't a thunder storm, it's a thunder battle look" Ori states pointing.

"The legends are true, giants. Stone giants" Bofur declared. It there it was a stone giant preparing to throw a boulder. As it flew over our heads hitting another giant that fell back into the mountain. Causing a mini rock slide I pushed Fili and Bilbo against the wall protecting them. I felt a big rock knock my right shoulder and I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming.

We added up getting separated from some of the others as the ground split in half. I had lost sight of Bilbo as we had nearly crushed into the mountain. "Where's Bilbo?" I ask aloud as the other dwarves join us. They looked at me and then started searching for Bilbo calling his name.

That is when Thorin climbed down the cliff and boosted Bilbo back up to Dwalin. As Thorin began to slip I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. "I thought we had lost our burglar" Dwalin stated as he helped Thorin stand up.

"He is lost and has been since we left the Shire" Thorin stated angrily. "All his ever thought of is his warm bed and books" he told Dwalin. "He has no place among us" Thorin said sourly and I placed a comforting hand on Bilbo's shoulder. We soon found a cave to take shelter in after both Dwalin and Thorin deemed it safe.

I set up my roll near the back of the cave away from the others. Later on that night I heard someone wake up while the others were sleeping. I knew it wasn't Bofur who was placed on guard at the cave entrance. I soon released it was Bilbo and listened as he told Bofur why he was leaving.

Just then I noticed a blue glow through my half closed eye lids. "Wake up, wake up!" Thorin shouted and I stood up quickly. Just as the ground began to fall under us I grabbed my cloak and bag along with my bow & arrows. I fell with the others and landed onto of them as I was the lightest and slowest to fall.

We all struggle to stand up only to be restrained by a bunch of people. They took our weapons and my pack. That is when I released what held me was Goblin. There were scores of them as they pushed us along through a town of suits.


Picture of Nimmeth's dagger above and of her cloak, bow/arrows and outfit in chapter.

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