Orc Attack on Lake Town

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Nimmeth's POV

We soon reached Lake Town at night fall after following Rhawel all afternoon. "So what's the plan?" I ask the other two while I untie Braigon's basket from Rhawel.

"Find the orcs and kill them" Tauriel states.

"Yes and Tauriel Nimmeth is your responsibility" Legolas adds as he looks over the town.

"I have Rhawel and don't need a babysitter" I tell him.

"That you think that, proves you do" he states. Tauriel then helped me strap the basket onto my back. "There they are" he tells us as a scream was heard and we took off towards it. Luckily the basket had been securely strapped before the scream. Rhawel is right by my side as we jumped into the house through the window. Tauriel came in through the door and Legolas came down from above.

I decided to use my Grandfather's dagger as there wasn't enough room for my bow or the sword Legolas had given me. I saw three human youngsters in trouble and some of my dwarf companions. So I went to help the children while Tauriel helped Kili who looks really sick. Rhawel stayed close to me and took out any orc that got to close to me or the children. Legolas was using his bow like a pro even in this confined space.

"You killed them all" the human boy states when the fight was over.

"That's the point" I tell him as I check over Rhawel for injuries. Then I went to remove my basket as Braigon was whining inside it. I don't think he was happy being woken up by the fight. Once removed I opened the basket and took him out reassuring him everything was fine. "Tauriel please re-strap the basket to Rhawel's side" I tell her and she does soon while Legolas retrieves his arrows.

"Nimmeth, Tauriel come" Legolas tells us.

"I'm not an animal and besides Kili needs to be healed" I tell him sternly.

"I am not leaving until he is well" Tauriel tells him.

"Fine, but if either you get hurt it's not my fault" he states storming off.

"Man he is such a child and isn't he suppose to be the oldest" I tell Tauriel. She giggles at want I said as Bofur enters the house holding Kings-foil. "I know want to do" I say taking it and turning to Tauriel. "Hold Kili down and you two help her" I tell Fili and Bofur. "Oin I need you to help me prepare the kings-foil" I tell the final dwarf and he nods his head in agreement.

I boiled some of the kings-foil and had Oin give it to Kili. I then chewed the rest before placing it on the wound. I started doing to healing chant my father had taught me. After saying it three times Kili stops shaking and starts to look healthy again. Oin bound the wound while I went to check on Rhawel who was looking after the children and Braigon. "You all ok? No one hurt?" I ask them as Braigon jumped back into his basket.

"We're fine, thank you for saving us" the oldest tells me. Just then there were screams heard from outside and I smelt fire. Tauriel gave me a nod and I shut tying the basket shut tightly. We all got outside and saw the dragon flying over head. Tauriel and I made everyone get into the boat while the dwarves rowed the boat.

We were nearly run over by a bigger boat filled with treasure. But we all managed to hold on while I glared at the boat. As we continued to flee the burning town the boy says "Da." I looked up to see want he was looking at and see an archer in the bell tower trying to shoot down the dragon Smaug.

"He hit the dragon" Kili calls and Bofur agrees with him.

"His arrows cannot pierce it's hid" Tauriel states.

"Only a black arrow can" I tell everyone. Just then the boy grabbed a hook swinging off the boat. "Damn it, Tauriel look after the others and Rhawel stay with them!" I shout jumping into the water before anyone can stop me. I reached the deck to see the boy taking something out of a boat.

"A black arrow" I say and he nods his head. I look up at the bell tower "we need to get it to your father" I tell him taking it. "Follow me and stay close" I tell him sternly grabbing his hand before running. We soon reached the tower "you go up first quickly" I tell the boy and he starts to climb.

"Da" he calls when he reached the top and I was behind him.

"Why didn't you leave? You were suppose to leave" his father told him sternly.

"We came to help you" the boy tells him.

"No, and who's we?" the man asks.

"I believe this is want you need Archer" I say pulling myself up handing him the arrow. "Shoot true" I tell him. Just then Smaug attacked the tower and I covered the boy with my body. Something struck my shoulder hard and I refused to scream in pain. "Are you alright?" I ask the pair and they nod their heads.

"You're hurt" the boy states pointing to my shoulder.

"I'll be fine, you take this and kill that dragon" I order giving the archer the arrow. "I'll watch over your son" I promised him and he nods his head. The dragon started speaking to the archer and I noticed his bow was destroyed.

"Is that your child? You can not save him" Smaug states.

"Yes he can" I mumble and draw my bow standing up. "Here and you better not break this one" I tell the archer. I pulled the bow towards me giving his father a clear line of view. Smaug was taunting the archer, but he wasn't listening. He was focused on the chuck in the dragon's armor "shoot true and trust your instincts" I remind him.

He shoot the arrow and it hit its mark. But now the dragon was falling towards us. "Hold on" the archer tells us as the dragon collided with the tower. We all fell into the cold water.


Video of the Orc fight in the house above.

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