Treaty and Elf army

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Nimmeth's POV

"So I'll go home and return in a week or so with a the treaty contract" I state a few days after negotiating with Thorin. We would have finished sooner, but he was more worried about the Arkenstone. He becomes more paranoid each day and I plan on curing him. But it is beyond my healing capabilities, so I plan on asking my Father for guidance.

"Yes, but no hurry" Thorin states grumbling as Rhawel appeared at my side. I had kept Braigon hidden from him, but not the others. I'm glad I am leaving now as Braigon is getting to big for the basket.

"See you soon King Thorin" I say curtsying and he nodded his head. I then left with Rhawel at my side and Dwalin met me at the door holding the basket. "Thank you and please watch over Thorin along with Bilbo until I return" I tell him taking the basket.

"Of course and I wish you a safe journey Nimmeth" he tells me. I smile and leave with Rhawel by my side. However I was soon joined by Bilbo.

"Bilbo are you alright?" I ask him.

"Yes quite alright, but I must get to Lake town" he states.

"Well I am heading there now" I tell him and he follows me to the beach. We got into the boat and rowed towards Lake Town. "Thorin isn't keeping his promise, is he?" I ask.

"No he is not and an elf army is in Lake town" Bilbo explains.

"Looks like I am not done here then" I state as we reached the other shore. We walked into the old city of Dale where the towns people of Lake Town were staying. "Stay close to me Bilbo" I tell the hobbit and walk towards the city with Rhawel beside me. We soon looked over the ruin city of Dale.

We walked towards where the elves were camping as I knew the leader would wish to see me. Though I was not expecting King Thranduil himself. He was talking with the archer and Gandalf when I entered with Bilbo by my side with Rhawel. "That won't stop them" Bilbo states as we approach. "Do you think the dwarves will surrender?" he asks them.

"They won't, they'll fight to the death to defend their own" I tell them. "My Lord Thranduil I must ask you to leave" I state. "I am in the middle of forming a treaty with Thorin if he sees you and your army. He won't trust me again" I explain.

"You are in serious trouble already Princess Nimmeth so hold your tongue" he orders me. I went to argue but Gandalf sent me a look. "If I am not mistaking this is the halfling who stole my dungeon keys from under my nose of my guards" he states as we enter his tent.

"Sorry about that" Bilbo tells him. But I knew he was not sorry at all. I sat beside Rhawel and Braigon as they ate the meat the Archer (whose name is Bard) pervaded along with some water. "I came to give you this" he adds taking something out of his pocket. He placed it on the table and unwrapped the clothe around it to reveal the Arkenstone.

"Bilbo Thorin is going to kill you if founds out you have taken this" I tell him urgently.

"The heart of the mountain" Thranduil states as he stands up and Gandalf moves closer to Bilbo. "The kings jewel" he adds before looking at Bilbo.

"And worth a king's ransom" Bard states and now we are all around the table looking at the stone. While Braigon had fallen asleep against Rhawel as she cleaned her paws. "How is this yours to give?" Bard asks Bilbo.

"I took it as my fourteenth share of the treasure" Bilbo tells us.

"Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty" Bard tells him.

"He's not doing it for you or King Thranduil" I tell Bard.

"She's right, I know that dwarves can be obstinate, pigheaded and difficult. Suspicious and secretive with the worst manners you can imagine" Bilbo explains. "But they are also brave and kind, loyal to a fault" he states. "I've grown very fond of them and I would save them if I can" he finishes.

"He's right King Thranduil, please listen to him" I plead. "Thorin values this stone above all else, in exchange for it's safe return. I believe and Bilbo agrees with me that Thorin will give us want we are owed. There will be no need for war" I tell Thranduil.

"Very well I will give Thorin s choice" Thranduil states. "Either he gives me the gems I want returned to it's rightful people and he keeps his promise to the people of Lake Town, he may have the Arkenstone back" he tells us. "However, if he chooses to decline that offer and wants war, he will get a war that he will lose" he adds firmly.

"That seems fair my lord" I tell him as Gandalf goes to organize a bed for that for Bilbo.

"Tell me Princess Nimmeth why you have a warg pup with you" Thranduil says as he sits down.

"Rhawel adopted Braigon as her own after he was abandoned for being a runt" I explain. "He has become a second companion to me" I add.

"Very well, go clean yourself up as we march to Erebor tomorrow to deliver our terms" he tells me sternly.

"Your terms not mine, come Rhawel lets go see Bard's children shall we?" I ask as I pick up Braigon. We left Thranduil's tent after bowing our heads in respect.  When we reached Bard's new house the kids greeted us happily. Bard said I could stay the night with Rhawel and Braigon. Who slept by the fire place while I sat by the window keeping watch. The perks of being an elf we need little sleep when we reach maturity.


Picture above of the City of Dale.

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