Saving Two Lives

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Nimmeth's POV

We found Thorin and Dwalin over looking the frozen lake as we reached Ravenhill. I sent Rhawel to find Fili and Kili. Bilbo and I dismount the horse & I send it away. Holding Braigon, Bilbo and I went over to the two dwarves. "Thorin" we call.

"Bilbo, Nimmeth" Thorin says shocked.

"You have to leave here, now" I tell him.

"Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded. There'll be no way out" Bilbo states.

"We are so close! That orc scum is in there. I say we push on" Dwalin states.

"No! That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in" Thorin says. "It's a trap!" he exclaims. "Find Fili and Kili, call them back" he tells Dwalin.

"Rhawel already gone to find them" I assure him.

"Thorin, are you sure about this?" Dwalin asks.

"We live to fight another day" Thorin states. As we turn to leave, we hear a drum sound from Ravenhill. Looking back at the tower, we see a light appear. Atop the tower, Azog appears, dragging a bloodied Fili behind him.

Azog then began to speak and he said this. "This one dies first, then the brother. Then you Oakenshield, you die last" he states. Fili yells telling us to run. As Azog was about to stab Fili, Rhawel appeared biting his bladed arm snarling angrily. Azog then throws Fili over the edge and Rhawel lets go of him jumping after the injured dwarf prince. She wrapped her front paws around him turning them around as they crashed onto the floor.

Just they saw Kili leave a door way and room upstairs. Thorin runs across the frozen lake to find his nephew. "Dwalin we must find Fili and Rhawel" I tell him. He nods his head and we run to the tower. We found both the injured dwarf prince and Rhawel.

"We must find Oin" Dwalin states.

"There's no time, I must heal them both" I state. "Rest Rhawel, you did well" I tell her as I place Braigon beside her. I then focus on Fili and place my hands over him. I begin to chant a healing spell, that should heal most of his wounds. Five minutes later, he was healed. But was unconscious and I turned to Rhawel. She just had a bruised back, so I gave her a herb to sooth her pain.

I turn to Dwalin and realize two people were missing. "Where's Bilbo and Braigon?" I ask him. Dwalin looks around confused and shrugs. Just then I heard Braigon yelp in Pain. "Braigon!" I shout as I stand. "Dwalin, stay with Fili and protect him" I order before running off to find my injured warg pup.

I soon find him being held by an injured Kili as I see Tauriel and Bolg disappear over the cliff. "Kili, can you hear me?" I ask as I kneel before the pair.

"Yeah, Braigon saved me" he gasps out.

"Don't worry, I will heal you both" I assure him. I feel Braigon first, before focusing on the dwarf prince. He didn't have as many injuries as his brother, but one was nearly fatal. Had it gotten his chest and not his arm. "How did this one happen?" I ask as I heal him.

"Bolg was about to plunge a mace into my chest and Braigon appeared. He tackled Bolg, biting his arm. Which made him move his mace to the side and it got my arm instead. Bolg then grabbed Braigon then grabbed by the neck and threw him. Tauriel then tackled Bolg off the cliff as you appeared. Will I live?" he asks.

"Yes, but I can not heal a break as bad as this. It may need to be amputated" I state. Just then an injured Tauriel appeared. "You look terrible" I say.

"Kili" she says hoarsely.

"Is fine, not sure about his arm though" I state and she comes over kneeling beside me. "I need rest, but I cannot" I tell them.

"You look drained, who else have you healed?" Tauriel asks.

"Fili, Rhawel and Braigon" I state as I lean against the wall holding Braigon.

"Fili's alive?" Kili asks.

"Yeah, but unconscious. Dwalin is looking after him" I assure him.

"You should not have done that Nimmeth, you'll over exhaust yourself" Tauriel states.

"I'll be fine, we must find Thorin" I state as I try to stand. I suddenly feel light headed and nearly fall. But Tauriel caught me. "Thanks" I say as I shake my head to clear away the black spots that were forming in my vision.

"We should get her to Dwalin and Fili" Kili states.

"No, we must find Thorin and help him" I state.

"You're in no condition to help anyone" Tauriel tells me firmly. "We're taking you to the other two. Then we'll decide what to do from there" she states.

"But Bilbo's out there alone also" I add.

"He'll be fine, now let's move" Kili states. Tauriel helps me walk as I continue to hold Braigon. We find Dwalin and Fili, & Tauriel makes me sit against the wall. Rhawel walks over slowly and rests her head in my lap. Braigon curls up into her side falling asleep. "Dwalin, says the others are on their way with Gandalf and the elf king" Kili tells the elves.

"Thanks Kili" I say smiling as I relax.

"I will go find them and lead them here" Tauriel states. She kisses Kili on the cheek before leaving. I close my eyes for and second. But pass out.


Picture above of Ravenhill.

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