Swords, Map and Talk

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Nimmeth's POV

As I ate I watched the dwarves complaining about there being no meat or chips. I had to hold in my giggles as I feed Rhawel some raw meat. I then noticed Gandalf giving father a sword and said "that's the Orcrist." Thorin gave me a weird look obviously not expecting me to know anything about swords even elvish ones.

"You have a good eye my daughter, and do you remember anything else about this blade?" father asks handing it to me. I took it out of the sheath for a better look.

"It is also known as the goblin-cleaver a famous elven blade" I state. "It was forged by the high elves of the west" I say passing it back to father. "Our kin" I tell Thorin.

"May it serve you well" father says handing it back to Thorin. Gandalf gave father an other sword to look at. "What of this one my daughter?" father asks handing it to me. Taking it I look at the handle before taking it out of it's sheath.

"This is Glamdring I believe" I say looking at my father who nodded his head. "Also a blade forged by the high elves of the west" I state. "The throw hammer the sword of the king of Gondor" I explain remembering my history. "It was used in the goblin wars" I tell Gandalf.

Father gave the sword back to Gandalf for him to use. I saw the hobbit Bilbo I believe looking at an other elf blade. But I knew that does not yet have a name. When dinner was over I went with father, Gandalf, Thorin and Balin to talk about a map. I had Rhawel escort the other dwarves and Bilbo somewhere else.

As father said that there were moon runes on the map and could only be read on the night with moon that it was written. "It was written on a mid summers eve in the presence of a cresent moon" I say looking at the map.

"She is right and we are fortunate that the same moon shines tonight" father informed Thorin. He then lead us to a waterfall where the moon shined on a stone table. "I am not as flaunt in old dwarfish as I used to be, Nimmeth please translate" he told us. Nodding my head I stepped forward as the moon runes appeared on the map.

"It says 'Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light will shine on Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole'" I read aloud.

"That means there is still time" Balin stated. Causing father and I to look at him with curiosity.

"To do what Balin?" I ask handing the map to Thorin.

"To find the door" he stated.

"You mean to enter the mountain" father states. "There are those who'd deem it unwise" he told Thorin and Gandalf. I knew he was talking about Grandmother, but I still wanted to go and help the dwarves anyway.

"Meaning?" Gandalf asks as I start to lead the dwarves away.

"You are not the only one who watches over this world" father tells him.

"Thorin Oakenshield, I have something to ask of you" I say once we were out of hearing range of my father. "Balin tells me you wish to reclaim Erebor and I wish to help" I tell him. "I know you do not like or trust elves, but I will help anyway" I state.

"I like someone who can speak their mind, but I do not believe your father would allow you to come" Thorin states and Balin nod his head in agreement.

"Who says I am going to tell him and I suggest we leave early tomorrow before dawn. Otherwise my father and grandmother will try & stop us. Gandalf will distract them while we slip away" I tell them.

"I agree with you there, we will met you at the edge of the wild" Thorin tells me.

"I don't like the idea of you coming without your father's permission" Balin says.

"I am not a child Balin and can go where I wish. Besides it is time for me to prove myself as future queen of Rivendell and Lothlorien" I state firmly. Knowing the conversation was over they headed over to the others who had found some meat. I went to my room to prepare for the journey ahead.


Picture of the moon runes on the map above

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