Waking Up

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Nimmeth's POV

I wake up in a tent on a cot and look around. I see Braigon asleep beside me and Rhawel sitting beside the cot. "Hey girl" I say patting her head as she chaffs happily.

"Glad you're awake Princess Nimmeth" Gandalf says.

"How long was I out? Did we win? Where's Legolas? The dwarves and Hobbit?" I ask.

"Relax Nimmeth, Bilbo is fine as are the dwarves. You've been out for a day and a half. We did win and Legolas is not here" he tells me.

"What where is he?" I ask shocked and slightly hurt Legolas left without saying goodbye to me. "Is Thorin ok?" I ask.

"Legolas has headed North and told me to tell you he was sorry he couldn't say goodbye. He cares for you Nimmeth" Gandalf tells me.

"If he cared at all, he wouldn't of left me when I was unconscious" I snap. "You didn't answer my other question" I state. "Is Thorin ok?" I ask.

"He did not make it Nimmeth, Bilbo found him. But it was to late, they're having his funeral tomorrow" Gandalf says sadly.

"I could of healed him" I state as I get out of the bed waking Braigon.

"No you could not have, you drowned a lot of your healing magic. If you had tried to heal him, you could of died. Be proud you saved Fili and Kili" he tells me.

"Who dressed me?" I ask.

"Tauriel did, after she healed you" he states. "I'll leave you to dress then take you to Erebor" he adds leaving the tent. I change into a blue and gold dress, before brushing my hair. I then put on some shoes. Braigon and Rhawel follow me out of the tent, we then follow Gandalf to Erebor. We reach Erebor and enter together.

"Nimmeth!" Bilbo cheers running over to me. Soon the rest of the company appear along with Dain. "We thought you'd never wake" he states after hugging me.

"I'm fine Bilbo" I assure him. "Fili, Kili I'm sorry I did not save your uncle" I tell them.

"We don't blame you Nimmeth, you saved us and we'll be forever grateful for that" Fili tells me.

"Yeah, now Tauriel and I can finally be together" Kili adds.

"I'm glad to hear your love life is better then mine" I say smiling. "Master Dain, I am sorry for the loose of your cousin" I tell him.

"As the boys said, it was not your fault Lass" he assure me. "But I hear you can sing" he states.

"I can" I say smiling.

"We have prepared lament for Thorin, but have no one to sing it. His sister Dis refuses to sing" he explains. "So would you sing it tomorrow?" he asks me.

"I'd be honoured" I tell him. I then great the rest of the company giving them hugs. Balin told me how the dwarves of Erebor would arrive tomorrow for the funeral. Also how Fili gave Thranduil the starlight gems and made a treaty with the elves of the woodland realm. That Fili gave the people gave the people of Lake Town enough gold to rebuild the city of Dale. With Bard as their leader and an alliance made between them & Erebor.

Bofur then gave me the lament to Thorin to practice. Then I went to Dale with Kili, Gandalf and Bilbo to find Tauriel. She was happy to see I was awake. We then all went to see Bard and his children. Gandalf and Bilbo had left to wonder the city. "Has does it feel to be a master his people can be proud of?" I ask Bard as we all have tea. Braigon was playing with bard's children and Rhawel lay by the fire watching them.

"It feels good, are you staying here?" he asks.

"No, I must return to my people. I am future queen of two realms and have been gone long enough. I'll leave after Thorin's funeral" I tell him.

"You should visit sometime when the city is rebuilt" he tells me.

"Yeah, same with Erebor" Kili states. "I'm sure Fili would like to form an alliance with Rivendell" he adds.

"That would be great, but I have a feeling I will be grounded for a long time when I return home" I tell them. After tea I return to Erebor with the other two for dinner and Rhawel & Braigon. Bombur had prepared everyone dinner along with a few helpers. Balin then showed me to my room for the night before wishing me goodnight. I read the lament to Thorin before I had it memorized and then change into a night dress. I crawl into bed with Braigon beside me and we fall asleep.


Picture above of the dress Nimmeth woke up in and picture on the external link of the dress she changed into.

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