Feast of Star-light

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Nimmeth's POV

I had finished bathing after feeding Rhawel and Braigon their dinner. Then changed into a grey dress that was laid out on my bed for me. Just then their was a knock at the door. "It's Tauriel, may I come in?" she asks.

"You may enter" I tell her going to put Braigon away.

"No need for that Princess, I saw the pup earlier when you showed Legolas" Tauriel tells me. I smile and place the pup back beside Rhawel. Who was laying by the lit fire place. "The dress suits you" she says shutting the door behind her. "I brought a circlet for you to wear and I can do your hair" she says.

"Thank you that would be appreciated and please call me Nimmeth in private" I tell her. I sat in front of the vanity as Tauriel brushed my hair. "You and Legolas seem close" I say casually.

"We were raised together after my parents deaths" Tauriel explains.

"I am sorry for your lose, I lost my mother at a young age as well" I tell her. Tauriel finished my hair nearly an hour later and placed the circlet on my head. I went to the full length mirror for look at the whole outfit. After placing my necklace on.

 After placing my necklace on

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"It's perfect, thank you Tauriel" I say giving her gentle hug

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"It's perfect, thank you Tauriel" I say giving her gentle hug. She left and I sat on the bed to wait for Legolas. Soon there was another knock at the door and I stood from the bed. "Enter" I say as I straighten my dress. He entered the room and stopped staring at me. I noticed he was also dressed in grey and wore his circlet hair down.

"Wow, you look beautiful Nimmeth" he says almost breathless making me blush.

"You look handsome Legolas" I tell him and he blushes lightly this time. I went to put Braigon in his Basket. While Rhawel had fell asleep in front of the fire.

"No need for that, I'll lock the door behind us and only I have a key" Legolas tells me grabbing my hand to stop me from touching Braigon. I straighten up giving Legolas a warm smile which he returned. Noticing he was still holding my hand he lets it go and we are both blushing this time.

What is this feeling I am feeling I think to myself. I had never felt this around anyone else before. Not even Haldir in Lothlorien who had a crush on me. But I didn't feel the same way so now we are just friends.

"We better go we don't want to be late" I suggest and Legolas nods his head. Legolas holds out his arm for me which I take. I feel slight tingles where our hands touch. When we exited the room Legolas turned around to lock the door. He then continue to lead me to where the feast was being held.

As soon as we reach it the guards open the double doors for us. "Now introducing Prince Legolas of Mirkwood and Princess Nimmeth of Rivendell" the announcer says. Everyone turns to look at us as we enter and I get nervous. Legolas nodded and entwined our hands giving mine a gentle squeeze.

"It'll be ok, I'll be right by your side" he whispers in my ear reassuring me. He then guides me down the stairs down towards the table. When we reached it he pulled a chair out for me and pushed it in as I sit down. Then sits next to me as the food is served along with wine and water. I stick to the water as I am not a wine fan.

"You look lovely my dear" Thranduil tells me from Legolas's other side.

"Thank you and you look fine yourself King Thranduil" I tell him with a gentle smile. We ate the food in silence and it was really good. I hoped that the dwarves were getting food and wandered if Bilbo had freed them yet.  Once we finished Legolas stands up to face me as slow music began to play.

"May I have this dance my lady?" he asks bowing slightly.

"Why of course you may kind sir" I say taking his offered hand. He chuckles while I giggle a little at our behavior.  Legolas then lead me in a slow waltz around the dance floor. Everyone was watching us again making me nervous.

"Just look at me" Legolas tells me cupping my chin so I look into his beautiful blue eyes. As  looked into them everything else drifted away. It was a perfect moment until  guard came to ruin it by whispering something in Legolas's ear. Who looked at me with regret about leaving me.

"Something urgent has come to my attention" he says. "The guard said my father said I was to return you to your room. Then report to the dungeons" he explains and I nod my head. Legolas took my arm and guided me from the room back to my chambers. Where he unlocked the door before turning to face me.

"I just wanted to say..." we start to say at the same time making me giggle lightly. I told him to go first as he told me too. This time we both chuckle lightly before Legolas goes first.

"I just want to say sorry for ruining your night" he tells me bowing his head. I shake my head and lift his chin with my hand. He looks into my eyes again making me almost forget want I want to say.

"You didn't ruin anything at was the best night ever, only one thing could make it better" I tell him raising one finger. Legolas starts to lean in cupping my cheek with one hand and wrapping his other around my waist. I start to lean in as well and our lips connect in my first kiss as fireworks fly.

We pull away after few minutes and smile at each other. "Now it was the perfect night and perfect first kiss" I tell him blushing.

"I really have to go now, but I will be back later" Legolas promises. He then places a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I enter my room before changing into a night dress and redoing my hair in a simpler braid. I climb into bed beside a sleeping Braigon and fall asleep before Legolas can return.


Picture above of Nimmeth's dress and picture of hair do & circlet in chapter.

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