Chapter 6: The Truth

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"I told him I would show him around and well that's what I'm doing," I said changing the subject. "I'll see you around, Sami."

"Yeah see you," she tried not to sound hurt, but it was still there.

Lockers doors click open and banged shut as kids stuffed their coats in and pulled out the books and notebooks they needed for class. No one hurried. I led him inside the main building, turn around a corner and about halfway was the main office. It was easy to spot it since it had painted big black bold letter on the side of the entrance.

We walked inside, while I waited near the door as I looked at the secretaries doing paper work. He walked up to the counter and talked silently with the secretary. She walked back towards her desk checking something on the computer then handed him a yellow slip.

He smiled then walked up to me. "Here," he said coldly. What's his problem? Why is he all of the sudden so moody and cold?

I took the slip as my heart pounded heavily. Please, I thought begging. Don't let him be in all my classes.

My heart stopped when I caught a glimpse of the first period. Trigonometry. Only Trigonometry and not another single class.

"Follow me," I said. We went outside the main building and straight into campus and walked over to another huge building. "This building is called the science building." He nodded seriously. Just as we were about to go up stairs when Clark shouted my name behind me.

"I was looking for you like a crazy manic," he huffed. He ran to find me. I smiled shyly.

"I was showing my new neighbor around," I replied. "This is Matt. Matt this is Clark"

"Hey, Matt," he said as he walked up towards me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him as he crushed his lips to mine. I liked how his lips felt on mine, smooth and silky. I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him closer to me.

I remembered that we were not alone and quickly untangled myself from Clark. I turned to see Matt glaring at us with angry eyes. He had his lips in a straight line while he had both his hands into a tight fist.

"Can I have my paper slip, please," Matt said coldly as he glared at Clark. I handed him his schedule. He snatched it away and crumpled it. He took a step back.

"You know what? I'm not a little kid anymore I can find my classes on my own. Thanks for your help." Matt didn't sound thankful at all. He sounded like he would hurl any minute. He turned around and stomped towards the stairs not looking back.

"Your...welcome," I said as he disappeared from my sight with a clump of students, all huddled together in the narrow stairs to get to their class.

"Nice neighbor," Clark muttered, raising both eyebrows. I turned to face him grinning wide, grabbed his hand and yanked him close to me as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He wrapped both arms around me giving a bear hug.

"Good morning, precious," he smiled as he kissed my forehead. "I love you more every day."

"Love you more every second," I whispered as I tiptoed to give him a kiss on the lips. The bell rang. "We are going to be late."

"Mmm, I don't care," he said on my lips. I let my arms fall from Clark's waist and tried to separate myself from him. "Nnn."

"Mhm," I giggled. He finally let go and wrapped his arm around my neck as walked up the stairs. All of the sudden I felt a heavy stare on me. I turned my head up to find him stare at me again. Staring at me from above was Matt. His green eyes were riveted on me.


Following my every move.

"What is it?" Clark asked. He felt my whole body get intense. "Is something the matter?"

My Deadly Secret Admirer..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang