"Madame no! Um... Children have their own way of dealing with things. She'll be tommorw as good as new "Halga said with a small smile. Rossa nodded and sat down. Pan carefully walked to them. "Are you... Alright Rossa? "He asked. She stared at him and so did Rossa. "Half, half. "She said giving him half a smile. "Why only half? "He asked folding his arms. He was glaring at her. As if she was going to attack Rossa any moment.

"You probably heard what happend with Carlos. "Rossa said and he nodded. She sighed. "Well and I was worried about Mernique but I just need to give her space. "Rossa answered sadly. "Why do you need to give her space? "He asked. Why was this boy so nosy. "She is going through a hard time. She was also close to David. She feels responsible for him. So much she dissapeares from dinner. "Rossa said sighing.

Pan looked at her. He knew she was testing Mernique. He narrowed his eyes but only for a second. "Mernique is strong she will be fine."Pan reassured her his eyes bright. Why does he look like that? "I know... but I know she is in pain. It's mother instinct to dry the tears. "She shrugged. He smiled at her. "Don't worry. She will be fine. "He answered.

Halga decided to act busy. When she walked away she saw he followed her. "What? "She asked a few feet away. "You lied. "He answered. "I had to. If I told her the truth she would be in a state. You did the test yourself. Imagine yourself as a father and you hear your child did that test. "She glared him down. He was silent. "You told me she would come back to camp. She isn't... "He said but didn't finish. He suddenly looked away. His face was darker. "No, she isn't dead. "She answered.

He looked at her again. "She is really sleeping. "She said feeling herself get annoyed. "You can't sleep after what you experienced in there. "He growled at her. If the boy knew who he actually was talking to he wouldn't be so bold. "I erased her memory and I gave her something strong so she can sleep and be peaceful. "She said with a edge.

He shook his head."If she suffers in anyway I will blame you personally and hunt you down. "He said and stalked away. She flicked her tongue at the boy.


Mernique knew she was walking but struggled to stay upright. Her head was spinning too much. So much she could see someone was dragging her but couldn't recognize the face. Soon she felt them stop and she swayed as the person suddenly halted. "Sorry. "She heard a faint whisper. Sorry? Why was the person sorry?

Suddenly she felt the person lift her off the ground and  throw them over their shoulder. She yelped and kicked out in reply but only got air. "Stop struggling. I'm trying to help you. "The person said and she felt herself fly. She suddenly felt the pounding in her head again. She stopped struggling and let the person carry her.

When she opend her eyes again. She saw that she was in her room. She felt hands pull her down. She swayed but was relieved to find herself in familiar place. Suddenly she felt ruff hands grasp her head. Before she could protest she felt a cold liquid spill down her throat. She coughed but the hands wouldn't release. She suddenly felt her fist made contact with something and she heard an awful crack. The person cursed and she felt the spinning becoming worse.

Suddenly she felt her knees buckle from underneath her. She fell crashing to the ground. She didn't know where she was but horrible images flashed behind her eyes. Her brother turning into a Dragco. Her father being a Dragco. Herslef dangling of a beam. Her facing a creature in the dark she couldn't see.

She suddenly realized that all those things had a meaning. She didn't think of it when she wad facing them. She was not afraid of heights but of the fall. She was not afraid of the dark but... What's in it. She isn't afraid of her Phil but the Dragco version of himself. She wasn't afraid of her brother but what he might become. She is also afraid of failing Neverland and failing  friends and family.

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