4.0: smothered

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Playlist: Miserable At Best - Mayday Parade


My back hurt so badly I kind of wanted to break it just so I wouldn't feel a damn thing. I was currently lying on the floor of Shiro, Allura and Matt's apartment, trying to pay attention to what Pidge and Matt were playing on the TV. It was Galaxy Fighters 3 and I had been dying to play the game for a really long time but my eyes hurt and my throat was sore and just simply breathing made me feel nauseated so I couldn't exactly focus on the graphics or swirling colors in the game. Keith nudged me with his foot.

"Why are you laying in the ground dude." I glanced up at him and the weird expression on his face. He was wearing dark skinny jeans and light gray shirt with some writing on it that I hadn't bothered to read. His motorcycle jacket was laying on the back of the couch behind him and his hair was currently tied up. It was something him and Aurora realized they could do with it. His bangs still kind of hang in his eyes but every now and then, he does pull some of his hair back into a little ponytail. I've been reallt tempted to cut it off because I'm kind of an asshole.

"Because I'm tired." I complained.

"Why'd you come over then. You could've slept at your dorm." Keith pointed out.

"And miss out on all the fun?" I said half jokingly as I gestured around us before dropping my arms back onto the carpet. Keith holds his hand out to me and I arch an eyebrow at him.

"Don't lay down on the ground Lance. What's with you and the floor?"

"We have a pretty good relationship. I trip and the floor always catches me." Keith snickered as I took his hand. With his help, I managed to stand and moved to sit on the opposite end of the couch, pulling my legs up so I could sit cross legged. Hunk shot me a look from the arm chair but I casually waved him away and he turned back to the TV as Pidge shouted at Matt for air support.

"Lance have you gone to the doctors yet?" Allura called out from the kitchen where her and Shiro were making dinner.

"Nope! I talked to my mom and we don't have insurance or anything for me to go to the doctors. We're all just hoping this thing will go away." I explained, trying to avoid coughing as I did this. It was a lie of course. We did have insurance but I never called my mom. How am I going to explain that I have a fictional disease? God my head was killing me. My vision kept swimming. I heard her begin to walk towards me and I pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger.

"Are you still warm?" She asked, putting her hand to my forehead. "Does your head hurt Lance?" I grunted a little, not saying anything. Matt was laughing too loud. The sound effects from the game were deafening. The smell of food wafting out from the kitchen was making me nauseous and Allura's cool hand against my forehead wasn't comforting me. "What's wrong Lance?" I don't know what came over me. I snapped, my eyes flying open as I shouted at her.

"Stop mothering me Allura! I'm not your damn kid." She pulled back her hand, startled by my sudden outburst. Behind her, standing at the threshold between the kitchen and the living room, I could see Shiro glaring at me. I clutched my head in my hands and sighed. Jesus what's wrong with me. She was just trying to help. "Fuck. Allura, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm just..." God fucking damnit was I going to cry? It was too quiet in this room now. What the fuck.

"Lance." Allura said softly her hand on my shoulder as she sat on the couch to give me a hug. I hugged her back tightly, tears silently trickling down my cheeks. My head felt like it was going to explode.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'm really sorry. My head hurts and I got irrationally angry."

"Shiro can you get him an aspirin please." She asks her boyfriend as she rubs my back lightly. It's exactly what my mom would do if she were here. Fuck. I wanted to go home. If I was going to die. I wanted to see my family. I didn't want this stupid imaginary disease to kill me. "You need to rest Lance." Allura tells me as I begin to let go of her, even though I don't want to. I cough violently into my shirt but nothing comes out. Is that a bad sign? A good sign? Allura touches my cheek lightly when I finish as Shiro appears again.

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