2.9: winter is coming

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Playlist: I Miss You -Clean Bandit


"Can you stop complaining and actually study with me Lance." Keith said rolling his eyes at me.

"But I succckkkk at history. All those dates and all those wars what's the point?"

"So history doesn't repeat itself Lance. Now come on. When was the War of 1812." I sat up on his bed and gave him a funny look. Keith was grinning from ear to ear.

"Are you shitting me?" I asked. Keith shrugged.

"Just making sure you're paying attention." I flopped back down onto his pillows as Keith uncapped his highlighter with his teeth like an animal and highlighted something in his notes. He recapped the pen and looked over at me again. "Can you not have your shoes on my bed. You should be happy I'm actually letting you lay on it. Don't mess it up." The reason we were in Keith's dorm and not Hunk and i's was because HUNK WAS HAVING A GIRL OVER.

Just kidding.

But him and Pidge were regurgitating a bunch of science things I couldn't keep up with from one of their shared Gen Ed classes and so Keith suggested we go to his dorm. His weird roommate would be gone virtually all day. Apparently he study's in the library with his friends a lot. "Sorry dude." I said, sitting up. "Let's go over your notecards again." I told him a bit grumpily.

"Good because if you fail, I'm going to laugh." I flipped him off but Keith just smiled. We ended up studying for another two hours or so before I felt like my brain was fried and Keith had almost snapped his pencil in two at a stupid pun I made. Thankfully, Hunk called me before Keith and I could get in an argument about how dumb I was.

"Hey Hunk! You're on speaker." I told him, answering the phone. Keith took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Hey guys. Pidge and I are done studying if you want to head over and play some mind numbing video games."

"Thank god." Keith groaned. "Lance was driving me insane." Hunk laughed.

"No I wasn't. He's over exaggerating." I said shaking my head. "But yeah we'll be over there in a few." We said goodbye and hung up. Keith closed his notebook and our textbook loudly before standing up and stretching out his back and arms. It always surprised me to see that he actually had muscles underneath his bulky leather jacket. He was only wearing dark jeans and a black shirt right now so I was able to see his arms for once. He didn't have muscles like Shiro but they were still pretty nice.

"Do you think Pidge will go easy on us for once." I scoffed as Keith grabbed his keys and I picked my backpack up off the ground.

"I've known her for almost two years now and I've never won a game against her."

"Maybe you just suck." Keith teased.

"Hey you've never won either!" I said. Keith snickered as the two of us exited his room. On Monday we would start finals week an then I'll finally be able to go home for a month. I was really excited to see my family again. I really missed them but I was also really going to miss all of my friends once I did go back home. I was already planning on meeting up with Aurora and Jeremy at some point and I was talking with everyone else (Shiro, Pidge, Keith, etc.) about going up to meet them for a weekend instead of them all having to come to me like they did last year. Hunk said I could sleepover  at his house which sounds really exciting to me.

"Earth to Lance." Keith said, nudging me. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Sorry buddy repeat that." I said with a smile. He rolled his eyes lightly but began to tell me again about how we should prepare for the essay for our test later. "Yeah, sounds good." I said, throwing my arm around him. "You'll let me cheat off you during the final though right?" He shook his shoulders and I let go.

The Hanahaki Disease// Voltron AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora