1.2: your highness

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Playlist: That Should Be Me -- Justin Bieber


I had just spotted one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. She was sitting at a booth in the cafeteria, partially hidden by the fake plants that divide the booths from one another. Her hair was long and white and complimented her dark skin and bright eyes. I was hungry as fuck but I couldn't not go up and talk to her.

Clearing my throat and straightening my clothes, I walked over. She was messing with her laptop, maybe typing up a paper or looking at cat videos. She looked a little older than me but I didn't care. She was beautiful all the same. Hopefully she wouldn't reject me too bad though.

"Hey, have you heard of princesses?" I asked her, leaning against the planter dividing the tables in the cafeteria. She looked up at me kind of startled. Her beautiful white hair tossed itself over her shoulder as she gave me a confused smirk.

"Yes, why?" Her accent was vaguely British and that just made her all the more pretty.

"Let me give you my number and you can call me up whenever you want to be treated like one." I watched a grin slowly spread across her face. I thought I had nailed it but then she started to laugh. It was adorable and I was used to it but it still kind of hurt.

"Oh gosh was that a pick up line? That was actually very smooth." She said with a pleasant smile, turning around more to look at me.

"Really? But it didn't work, did it." I said, shoving my hands into my pockets as she closed her laptop shut.

"No. Not quite. Try it out on somebody else though. I'm sure it will go over big."

"You don't think I haven't?" She laughed again, making me smile.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe one day you'll nab a girl with a line like that." I nodded, encouraged slightly by her words. "My names Allura. What's yours?" I stiffened and began to blush red.

"Aw damnit." She frowned.

"Something wrong?"

"So you're Shiro's girlfriend? I'm Lance." Allura's smile was brighter than the sun and her laugh rang through the room.

"You're Lance!" She exclaimed. "Oh I should have guessed. Shiro said you were a smooth talker. Yes, I think I do recognize you now from the description Matt gave me."

"Devishly handsome?" I asked in a hopeful tone. She giggled.

"More like; flirtatious, tousled brown hair, Hispanic." I shrugged.

"That could be anybody."

"Well come on, sit down. Shiro should be here any minute. I'm sure he'll laugh when he hears how we met." I took a seat across from her and could feel the blood rush back to my cheeks as she said this.

"Maybe uh.. We shouldn't mention it to Shiro." Allura grinned.

"Oh he won't be mad. He'll probably laugh too."

"That's what I'm afraid of." The two of us shared a smile. "I should have guessed you were his girlfriend. His description of you is perfect, tall, dark, beautiful, shockingly white hair." Allura nodded.

"The hair should have been a dead giveaway."

"I guess I got too caught up in how pretty you are."

"That's very kind of you to say Lance." Allura said pleasantly, smiling. "Do you always walk up to girls you find beautiful and just, toss out a flirtatious line?" She asked. I nodded.

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