bonus: stupid fights

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Playlist: Happier - Ed Sheeran


"How could you say that to me!" Keith shouted at me before rubbing his temples like I was giving him a headache. "Batman isn't a sissy and he wasn't cheating when he fought Superman. He was being smart. If you're about to go up against one of the strongest guys in the universe, you're not going to go unprepared! You're going to have a strategy."

"If Batman hadn't fought dirty, and if Superman wasn't holding back, Batman would have gotten the shit kicked out of him." Keith did the praying hands and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before speaking again.

"Batman wasn't fighting dirty! Everyone uses kryptonite against him. Everyone! And Superman always holds back when he's fighting people he regards as "weaker" than him so who is the real asshole? Superman and his judgy ass that's who!" Keith snapped at me. I grinned.

"When does Superman say he holds back?"

"You think I wasn't ready for this fight McClain? I was born fucking ready." He whips his phone out of his back pocket and I watch him find the notes app and select one titled Why Batman Is Better Than Superman. Holy shit I'm in love with this man in front of me. "In Season Three of Justice League: Unlimited episode 13, Superman says and I quote. 'I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die. But you can take it, can't ya, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am.' End quote. He's always holding back Lance. He has to!"

"How long is that note?" I ask him, ignoring the quote he's just laid out. I don't even think I can see a little sidebar that allows you to scroll. Has he really stored up that much information about why Batman is better? How many points does he have? How many sub-points? Where's the nearest jewelry store so I can buy Keith a promise ring?

"Not long enough." Keith says with a huff. "Want to hear all my other damn points McClain? I've got tons of them. Throw any argument you want against me, I'm going to refute it."

"Can you two please not argue over dinner for once?" Allura interrupts before I can say anything. Pidge and Hunk laugh and Keith's faces gets a little red. Had he forgotten where we were in the heat of the moment? The seven of us were sitting outside in the parking area of a local taco place. The place is always jam packed inside so we usually sit outside on top of Matt and Shiro's cars when we eat out here. It's cheap, it's good and it's the only place around campus that I liked eating tacos at. They were authentic, unlike Del Taco.

"Aurora was right about the old married couple thing." Pidge says, happily munching away at her chips and guacamole. "You two fight over everything."

"Yesterday they were arguing over the correct way to spread butter on toast." Hunk speaks up.

"I heard them once argue over how long you're supposed to chew a piece of gum." Matt adds.

"Or that one time where they argued over the fastest way to tie a shoe and then proceeded to have a shoe tying race." Shiro said, causing all of our friends to double over with laughter.

"Those weren't arguments." I said, putting my arm around Keith's shoulders. He leans into me a little. "Those were debates."

"They were arguments Lance and I won all of them." Keith says with a smile. I scoffed.

"Yeah right. I beat you in that shoe tying race. Hunk timed it!" Keith narrowed his eyes.

"You only won because you distracted me and wouldn't let me do it over."

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