2.0: new friends

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Playlist: Strangers -Halsey


I walked into my history class with a smile on my face and my fidget cube in my pocket and low and behold, who do I see but Keith Kogane. He's wearing that same leather jacket he had on last night but this time, instead of a deep red button up, he has on a ripped band shirt and black skinny jeans. It's such a casual look so why does my heart flip a little? Calm down you stupid heart. You can't like Keith. He's Shiro's brother first of all and second of all, remember what you promised yourself you wouldn't do.

"Hey Mullet." Keith looks up at me as I speak and he sighs.

"You're in this class with me?"

"Apparently so! Is this your first class of the day?" Keith shakes his head and goes back to looking at his phone. "It's my first class." I tell him. "Don't tell me you have an eight AM or something."

"Seven AM actually." I stare at him in shock.

"What? Why? That's so gross." Keith shrugs.

"I used to wake up at six at my last college, sometimes earlier. It was a military campus so we had to be up at sunrise." I make a face, I hate waking up at the same time as the sun.

"Did you eat breakfast this morning? I didn't see you in the cafeteria."

"I didn't really want to eat there. I had a diet soda." I snort.

"What? That's not breakfast. Dude, next time come to the cafeteria with me." He makes a face at me and I roll my eyes. "You can meet our other friends. Jeremy, Aurora, Tristen. The five of us could be like the breakfast club." I say excitedly.

"The breakfast club?" Keith repeats like he has no idea what I'm talking about.

"Yeah! You'd be the rebellious, loner boy." He huffs. "Jeremy would be the nerdy, preppy boy. Tristen would be the princess, although that means you'd get the girl in the end." He blushes a little but I keep going. "I'm the jock and I guess that leaves Aurora as the goth girl. Which is kind of accurate, she had a Scene phase. I've seen the photos." Keith is just staring at me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"What? The Breakfast Club Dude! Have you never seen that movie before?" His nose wrinkles.

"Isn't it like... A girl movie?"

"Not necessarily." I argue. "It's about this group of teens who get placed in detention together and learn things about life, school, love. It's all very enlightening. It's a coming of age movie." He stares at me, still confused.

"So It has nothing to do with breakfast then?" I laugh.

"No Mullet. It has nothing to do with actual breakfast."

"Well that's dumb." He grumbles, turning away from me and becoming disinterested. I huff and turn towards the front as the teacher walks in.

"The Breakfast Club is not a girl movie." I grumble. "It's a coming of age story." Keith snickers a little and when I look at him he still has a light smile on his face. I almost smile back at him.


"So what did you think of Keith?" Pidge asks, nudging me as she continues to destroy Hunk and I in the game. I don't even know how she does it. Sometimes she's not even looking and she still beats us.

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to sound indifferent.

"She means do you think he's "completely gorgeous" a "force to be reckoned with" someone who could "steal your heart just by looking at you". These are all things he's said about people he finds attractive by the way." Hunk explains to Pidge. I blush red all the way to my ears.

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