"Well it was nice knowing you brother" he said slapping my back. I gave him an annoyed glare, making him laugh. "Don't worry, just hurry your ass back" he said giving me another pat, softer this time. I nodded and stood "I'm going to go pack" Jesse gave me another nod and i left to my room. I didn't have much around, it was considered a 'weakness' to my father 'What the enemy see's is what he uses', his voice echoing in my head.

It took me fifteen minutes to pack, my room practically empty now. I sat at the edge of my bed thinking how in the world was i going to tell Kylie. How could i tell her i'm leaving with no assurance i would be back? If i left her, i would just join the list.

But she won't be in trouble, and Jesse will be watching her. But if i did leave, i would leave with all my problems. I knew i had to do it, but it broke my heart just thinking about it. I reached for a pen and paper.

My Dearest Kylie,

You were right. In every love there is pain. And im sorry to tell you i am the reason for it all. You warned me , but i didnt listen. I only thought of a day where it could come true, where things would be different for us. I can apologize, a thousand times over; but nothing can overcome the horrors of what i've done just by loving you.

But, if you ever read this; just know Kylie, it was because of my love for you. You may hate me, or simply want to forget me, but you must listen when i say, keep out of trouble. If not for me, then please, for yourself. And if that still isn't enough reason, then for kim. Now, is not the time to be rash; keep out of sight and out of mind.

I crumpled the paper in my hand, only to smooth it out again and fold it. I looked at it for a long second before putting it into my pocket and throwing myself onto my bed with a groan.

Kylie's POV

"What's the plan again?"

"We already went over the plan" harry said watching the road "Yeah, but my parts so stupid, that i keep forgetting it" i said complaining. Harry acted as if he couldn't hear the whine in my voice "All you have to do it act like everything is normal and go through your day"

"Exactly, its stupid" "Who ever 'They ' are, can't know that we know about your... er situation. So all you have to do is act normal at school. Easy enough to follow, right?" He said giving me a loopy smile "right?" he repeated clearly in a teasing mood. I crossed my arms "Yeah, yeah" I rolled my eyes, still not pleased about not being part of the plan

"But do I really have to act normal at school?" "I would think you wouldn't need to ask" Harry said with a snicker, turning into the school parking lot. I blushed and looked away, out the window.

It was packed with students and cars, watching as harry's car passed with envious glares. "It's just a stupid plan" i repeated matching girls fake smiles. Harry parked next to Ethans truck taking off his seat belt. "No even knows me" I said pulling off my seat belt and stepping out of the car. My case was beginning to come along nicely.

Ethan opened his arms wide and yelled "Hello winter King and Queen!" You could see his breath in the cold as he spoke with a smile. Harry and I exchanged confused glances to each other as Olivia came to my side. "You guys were nominated" Ethan laughed and clapped slowly clearly enjoying my uncomfortable position.

"I guess everyone does know you" Harry said with a smirk. So much for my case. I switched my weight on my leg, looking down with heated cheeks. Madison approached with a flirty smile hugging onto harry's arm "Congrats" harry gave her a forced smile and politely pulled his arm away from her grip. "Its been nonstop gossip on whos going to win" Olivia said in a bored tone, Ethan only laughed more; knowing something we didn't.

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