Chapter XXXXX ~ Misty ~ Goodbyes

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  • Dedicated to Phil

<3333 Here we go. Chapter 50?? Wow. I can't believe I wrote this much!

Almost 27K reads- insanity! Love y'all. Stay fabulous.

-fluffster (idek why i signed off as that.) xox

Chapter 50 ~ Misty Cooper

Just before we parted ways with Dan and Phil, I told Ian that I wanted to say something to them. He nodded and went to get a cab, completely trusting. Just one of the things I love about Ian.

I ran up and hugged Dan, and then Phil tightly. 'Thank you,' I said. 'Last night was exactly what I needed. Without you, I probably wouldn't have been emotionally stable enough to do anything about it.'

'Aw, god,' Phil said. 'It's okay, Misty! You're always welcome to it.'

'Yeah, just steal my bed anytime, it's cool,' Dan added sarcastically, winking. I laughed.

'Well, I ship Phan so hard, that I stayed the night just so I could see you two in the same bed,' I chuckled.

'You are a sick, sick girl,' Dan said in a low husky tone. We both laughed. 'I guess I won't be seeing much of you tomorrow,' he continued.

'I doubt it. Different hotels and stuff. But we'll have breakfast or something together on Monday, how about that?'

'Sounds perfect.' Phil said. 'That would be awesome. And the fact that I love anything to do with breakfast makes it better.'

'Doesn't it just?' I grinned. 'Like waffles and pancakes. My FAVOURITE things.'

'Don't you go forgetting bacon,' Dan added. I heard Ian's footsteps in the puddle behind me. 'T, got a cab, we're squashing in with Anthony and Kalel- ready?'

'Yeah,' I said, and hugged Dan and Phil again. 'Breakfast on Monday morning together,' I told Ian. 'Hope that's cool.'

'Hells yeah!' Ian responded. 'We'll see you guys then. Just...text Misty to organise times.'

'Will do,' Phil said, waving as they began to walk. 'See you guys.'

I waved and then rushed into our taxi. 'How much have we spent on taxis in the past day!?' Kalel exclaimed.

'I don't know...150 dollars? All worth it,' Anthony said, smiling.

Back at the hotel, me and Ian lay on the bed, both talking for a while. He told me about his dramatic day whilst I told him mine, how some girl called Elena had gotten a nosebleed...and Ian told me how she was the fan who informed him of my whereabouts. He told me their trip to the Katrina Hotel earlier, finding Lily's phone and seeing Phil. He also admitted how he'd messed up this morning on his performance.

'How did that happen?' I asked, concerned. 'You're so calm. If anyone it would be Anthony that would mess up.'

'It was because of you- I was so worried, I could barely concentrate...'

'Ian- you...'

'Don't do hindsight. If anything, messing up made me more determined to find you.'

Not that much more kissing happened that night, mainly talking. We needed to talk over our relationship, this time fully. We both knew we wanted to be together, and now that Lily, the only person getting in the way was gone, we had much more of a chance of making it really work for the both of us. Quite a few of the fans really seemed to like me when they met me today, despite a few whispers. Only a few fans, obviously who had believed Lily's lies that she'd posted on all those twitter accounts seemed to be the ones to dislike me. Before going to sleep, we discovered the internet had been talking about our endeavors for the past few days in what they thought was accurate detail- but they were mostly wrong. We didn't really care anymore. Lily and the haters would have to deal with that themselves.

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