Chapter X ~ Misty ~ Wake up

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You WattPad guys are awesome! Over 300 reads!!

I hope those 6 of you who read the previous chapter enjoy this one. It's pretty short. Sorry- exams.

Thanks so much to anyone who has commented and voted, it means so much to me that you all like it so much!! It's such a new thing to me :)

love, fluffie xx

Chapter 10 ~ Song: Open Arms by Elbow

Misty Cooper

I hear my screams.

'I won't hurt you...' he promises.

I struggle. I try to escape.

I scream..



My eyes shot open. I was on a couch, hearing screaming.

I clamped my hands over my mouth and the sound stopped. It took me a couple of seconds to work out the screams had belonged to myself.

I looked across my body. There was a heavy bruise on my shoulder, a few superficial scratches down my arms, and my tan satchel and denim jacket were tucked beside me.

I turned to my side to see Ian, sat by my side, looking out the window into the darkness.


His head twisted around.

'Misty. You were screaming for a good few seconds have a couple of times.'

Then it all came flooding back to me. Jay... escape. Panic. Ian coming. Ian came to save me. I was too het up to say anything at the time though. Too tired from running, from panicking. Too scared, too frightened by everything that had happened. I couldn't trust anyone. I was still so scared now, but I was safe.


He had done so much for me. He had dropped everything. 'Ian... Ian... thankyou.'

'It's fine, Misty. I'm just glad you're okay. When you called me last night, I was so worried for you. God...uh, do you want a tea?'

Comfort floods through me, acting like an anaesthetic.

'You don't have to do this. You were kind enough to come and save me, to let me stay the night. You sat by my bedside through the night...forget about the tea. I'll make some.'

'One..' Ian said, 'It's still 2am. And two, no! You might be hurt. You need to rest. And three, it was nothing. You needed help, and I was there. I said I was, even though I forgot to give you the number. Sorry about that by the way. But by chance, you had it. How?' he asked, as he got up to turn the kettle on. I shook my head, but he nodded, insisting on making the tea.

'My mum's friend's friend knows you. She gave me the number just in case I got lonely.. a bit embarrassing.'

'Hold on- you're Mitzi? Ah. Charlotte told us Mitzi. And you're Misty! That's the most amazing and best coincidence.'

'I know. It was lucky. Thanks so much, again.' I said, as he handed me a mug of tea. As I drank it, heat flowed down my body, making my feet tickle. 'First time I've ever had a tea at 2am.'

Ian sat in the armchair beside me and smiled.

'Did I fall asleep then?' I asked inquisitively, imagining myself asleep in his arms. The idea seemed really romantic, even though I tried to imagine it not to be.

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