Chapter XIX ~ Ian ~ I care

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ohhh my god. I missed being on WattPad so much whilst I was in Greece! But whenever I got Wifi I would look at my emails and see all you guys' supportive messages. Holy smokes, I never thought anyone would ever enjoy this, let alone read it. I love you guys soooo much. I just had to watch two weeks worth of smosh, SmoshGames, FineBros, WULAS, IanH and obviously ALL the Vidcon videos I missed. Lets just say I've been on my laptop for a good two hours... :/

I've been writing tons on the notes app on my phone whilst I was on the beach, I couldn't resist. So there's many more chapters to come. OHHHMYGOD I missed you guys so much, thankyou for your continued support- I appreciate it SO much. All those messages made me smile. You're all amazing people and I never expected any of this. ILY ALL <3 ^u^

ILY ILY ILY. <3 <3 <3 

fluffie xx

Chapter 19 ~ Ian Hecox

I was in total shock with myself, but I hadn't been able to resist her.

One minute we were playing a Playstation 4 together- the next, we were kissing, confessing. And now we knew we loved each other.

I didn't know how long it would last. For all I knew it could just last the convention and as soon as we went it would be back to normal, back to dull solitude. But for the moment, all me and Misty could do was embrace every moment of this intimacy.

We made our way back to Anthony and Kalel near the entrance, hand in hand again. I couldn't stop smiling, and every few minutes I would squeeze Misty's palm or kiss her cheek to ensure it wasn't a dream and this was all true. She seemed in shock too, but wanted to love me as much as I wanted to love her.

Before we got too close to where Anthony and Kalel would be, I swiftly whisked Misty to one side and pressed my lips against hers, trying to seize every moment of this brief, passionate kiss that would have to be our last for a while. She wrapped her arms around my waist and sandwiched her lips between mine, kissing softly but intensely, longingly.
No kiss lasted long enough, but we had to finish each one all too soon- we didn't want Kalel and Anthony to see. We broke apart, and I squeezed her hand before leading Misty back to where Anthony and Kalel were waiting. But they had literally been waiting, watching. They'd seen it all.

'Guys!' Kalel squealed. 'You could have said you were a couple!'

'And you get frustrated with us kissing in front of you guys,' Anthony chipped in gruffly.

Holy shit...
They'd seen.

I gripped Misty's hand tightly, reassuring her, protecting her.


Misty bent her head, but I could tell she was even redder than her hair.

'Yeah...erm..' I trailed off.

'It's fine, but you could have..erm..said, at least,' Anthony said, sternly. 'I'm so happy for you guys, though. I knew you belonged together.'

'We've been betting on...' Kalel began, but Anthony elbowed her, and shushed her harshly.

'Really? I...' I couldn't finish any sentence at the moment. I couldn't think of anything to say to them. Nothing could make the situation any less awkward. Nothing could make it MORE awkward, either.

'Dude. Don't worry about it. I remember telling you about me and's fine... you could have just told us earlier..'

'It only just 'happened', I guess', I said, using quotation marks with the hand that wasn't holding Misty's. 'W-within the last half-hour,' I stumbled. Misty was still silent beside me. She almost looked ashamed...

'What's wrong with you, Misty?'

'You don't want to do this,' she murmured.


Do you love me? ~ Smosh FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora