Chapter XXXXI ~ Ian ~ Party

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Well helloooooo!

I'm sorry these have taken so long but the final plans of my story are finally coming into place and these chapters are coming together. Also, I started Game of Thrones, and therefore my life has been taken over by the feels {Today, the first major death happened: Episode 9? I cried for an hour.} Plus, my GCSEs are in a few weeks and I'm revising hard, so it is hard to update this, but I will when I can, I promise.

Tomorrow {technically in 40 minutes, here in England}, April 1st, is this story's 1 year anniversary since I began writing, and I guess I just want to thank you guys for all your support. You readers mean the world to me, without you I wouldn't be so inspired. My confidence has come such a long way with you guys' help. I can't thank you enough for your votes, comments, everything. They all mean the world and I'm gonna go on a reply spree right now!

There's not long until this story finishes. But here's Chapter 41.

Lots of love, fluffie xox <3

Chapter 41 ~ Ian Hecox

Misty'd had a crap day. I knew it as soon as I saw the expression on her face, when I entered the hotel room. Her eyes were sunken, she was slumped over the bed, silent. Her expression, however, did change slightly when I entered the room. She looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile.

'Heya. babe.'

'Hey, T,' I replied, and bounced down onto the bed, beside her, and planted a light kiss on her cheek. She accepted it, but didn't seem to acknowledge it.

'How was the rest of your day?' she asked inquisitively, still showing interest in my success.

'Really good,' I smiled, but restricted myself. I really didn't want to brag about my awesome day if Misty'd had a bad one. 'How about yours?' I asked tentatively. 'Did you see Kristie?'

'Yeah, for a little while. I had to just wander aimlessly for a half hour though. Mari was doing the signing with you guys, and Kalel had her own signing.'


'Yeah. It kinda sucked for half an hour. I just looked at the stalls and stuff, and I saw some people pointing at me.' Misty sighed lightly, to not make a big fuss.

'Sorry about this way that Vidcon works,' I apologized. 'It's just...we have to go along with what the bosses set us. It's a big weekend for us.'

'I know it is, and I respect that,' Misty insisted, flinging her head back onto the pillow. 'But hey, your lunchtime wasn't so great, to be honest.'

'Why?' I asked curiously. I thought it had gone pretty well.

'Well, your fans definitely recognized me as well as Kalel,' said Misty. I lay down beside her, and rolled over to face her.

'In what way?'

'Not as dramatic as the coke incident. But they did all mumble and mutter about me, kinda. And then someone shouted 'slag', and I'd had enough.'

I felt awful. 'Aw, God... Misty, I'm so sorry it's like this.' I put my hands over my face and moaned in frustration. 'It's different in person, isn't it?'

'Yeah,' Misty said in a small voice. 'Don't worry about it. I guess I'll have to get used to it.'

'You shouldn't, babe. You can't. We have to fix this. Seriously.'

'There's no way to do it,' Misty persisted. 'Ian, I can always just give these sorts of events a miss.'

'Well, that's not fair on you! It's just surprising how they seem so confident to hate in front of your face...'

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