Chapter XXX ~ Misty ~ Preparation

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I just realised this got to 5000 reads overall, that makes me so happy. Thank you so much to all of you still reading <3

Hope you enjoy this week's installment. It's sorta boring but it leads up. Will Misty's family accept Ian? Find Thursday ;3 Your votes mean everything to me, I'm so grateful that you guys are so supportive of this story! Have a fabulouuuuus week!

(Just to say, the GIF on the side kills me every time. Ianthonyyyyy! Feels.Feels.Feels.)

much love,

-fluffie xox

Chapter 30 ~ Misty Cooper

(No song)

Before I knew it, 2 weeks had passed and my family were due to come. In those two weeks I'd worked quite a lot, and had earnt a decent amount of money. I was still widely hated, there was now a page dedicated to 'We hate Misty Cooper,' with over 15K haters, but Kristie was truly back as a friend, and me and her hung out a lot, mainly at my house- but she'd invited me to her Mom's once it was all sorted out. Me and Ian had also spent a good amount of time together, for what we'd missed. We did typical couple-ish things, such as seeing another movie together {even though I got recognized twice, both of which backed off when they saw Ian was with me}, but we also did the unneccessary things to do together. We took Charlie to the vets for his annual checkup, we surfed online together to find Ian a costume for a Smosh video, and we even bathed Drift together.

The morning on which my parents were due to arrive, I woke Ian, for once. I'd spoken to my parents just before they'd got on the plane to finalise. Technically, the plane wasn't landing until 2pm, {it was a night flight for them, they'd set off at 1pm the previous day,} but I wanted to have some time to clear the house. It was 10:30 by the time I woke him up, and we needed to move fast.

I leapt onto Ian's bed, crouched over him and shook him with my arms. His eyes jolted open and darted up to meet mine, before slowly sinking again.

'Geddup! Today's the dreaded day,' I groaned, rubbing his shoulder.

Ian yawned loudly. 'We'll make it through alright.'

I got up off the bed and raised my eyebrows at him. 'I doubt that. They'll raise the awkward level to over 9000.'

'I'm sure they'll be nice. At least they're staying at a hotel.' I raised an eyebrow and smiled. 'C'mon, it won't be that bad!' he reassured me.

'I guess so. But should we clean the house? It's- I mean, it's not too bad it's just-' I tried to hide the fact that I was pointing out that the house wasn't in its cleanest state. Ian saw straight through it and laughed.

'Yeah, it's just that me and Anthony are men.'


'Anthony won't be assed to help. We can do it together before going to pick your parents up. To be honest, I don't even know if Anthony is here. He might have stayed the night at Kalel's flat.'

We never saw Anthony, at the moment. He was literally spending every waking minute of his time with Kalel. It was sorta getting out of hand. I didn't know if it was my fault or just because his relationship was getting more serious. He was even beginning to let Smosh slip, I'd noticed. He'd more than once cancelled dates of shooting to see Kalel. Ian hadn't said anything, but I could tell he was beginning to find it frustrating.

'Maybe. Could you check? I don't to barge in on him if he's...'

'He won't be jacking off.'

'Still. Could you?'

Do you love me? ~ Smosh Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن