Chapter XXXVI ~ Misty ~ A new way of serving coke

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Hey everyone!

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2014. A perfect new year lies ahead of you...make it a good one {deep advice...haha}

I have some annoying news. Due to exams and school, I will no longer be able to post, on the dot, weekly. This fanfiction isn't going anytime soon, though. I'll post as often as I can and when I can, but there will still roughly be a chapter every week/two weeks.

But for now, here's Chapter 36! I'm quite proud of the middle of this one. I've had an emotional few weeks and writing this helped.

Thanks for all your support for this entire last year. You all really do mean the world to me... thank you, every one of you, for everything. You've given me a lot more confidence. You all inspire me. Lots of love to you all!

fluffie xox

Chapter 36 ~ Misty Cooper

Song: {No song can describe this whole chapter, but the end just makes me think of Hard To Explain by the Strokes. It's in the sidebar. The video is weird as f*ck. Don't judge me because of it. I just love this song.}

Ian took me out that night. I was nervous, but being with him would definitely help when it came to people recognizing me. He'd done it all before, and been with me every step of the way. Tonight, I was definitely more anxious than I had been when being out with him before- but I calmed myself. Ian would never stand for anyone hurting me.

'Ready?' Ian called. I was in my bedroom, brushing my hair, and in the process making my hair worse- it had now gone puffy, but there was nothing I could do now. It was a warm evening so I wore my red heeled sandals, a dip hemmed black chiffon dress and a small red clutch to complete my little look. My eyes were outlined with a tiny double cat flick at the edges. I felt good in this dress, it definitely gave me more confidence. I wasn't a huge dress person but I felt the need to dress nicely for Ian after all the cute stuff he'd given me and how lovely he'd been. I definitely had missed him immensely.

'Ready!' I called back, throwing my phone and charmander coin purse in the clutch. I stuffed in a bag of jelly babies to surprise him with once we got to the movies. I gave Drift a little wave, (he looked up from his cucumber to acknowledge it,) and winked at my new eevee plush, then shuffled to the living room. I hoped Ian would like my outfit. Ian stared wide-eyed as I entered the room.

'Babe, you look stunning,' Ian gasped. He was only wearing jeans, but his shirt was smarter than usual and buttoned up to the top. Today he sported brogues instead of his usual sneakers.

'Aw, Ian,' I said, adjusting my shoes. 'You look really hot with that shirt on. I could you up!' I giggled at my old woman language.

'Stop the-'

'Elderly phrases?'

'Yep, those. Let's go, babe.'

The reason we dressed up was because we were going to the fancier cinema in town: it had plush burgundy sofas that you sat on, and your popcorn came in an old fashioned cellophane bag tied with sheer ribbon. You could drink glasses of wine in crystal glasses- but you had to pay a deposit in case you smashed them. We wouldn't, of course. We didn't know what we would watch: we decided to be spontaneous instead, and watch whatever was on.

Ian took us in his Subaru. I settled into the passenger seat, and grinned at Ian. He lifted my hand and kissed it, before starting up the car. The one little smile he gave me as we began driving was all I needed in order to know that he wasn't letting anyone get in the way of our special night together.

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