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Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are in the usual café they always hang out at. Tzuyu was a bit late meeting up with Chae because of Jungkook's annoying phone call. To make it up to Chae for being late Tzuyu bought Chae coffee which her parents strictly do not want Chae having.

"What took so long?" Chae asks.

"Sorry Chae, Jungkook called about something stupid" Tzuyu explains.

"Ugh Jungkook" Chae groans and takes a big gulp of her coffee "no need to explain any further"

"Calm down on the coffee, I said only a couple of sips" Tzuyu warns.

"I'm fine, don't worry- oh my god! What the heck is that?!" Chae says with a shocked expression pointing at something behind Tzuyu.

"What? What is it?" Instinctively Tzuyu turn around to see but knew her mistake right when she did it and quickly turned back around to take the coffee away from Chae.

Tzuyu's jaw dropped as she stared at the empty medium sized coffee cup, "how? You? Oh no"

Tzuyu puts her head down to sheild herself from Chaeyoung's burst of cafine. She keeps babbling about nothing and at some points starts to freestyle rap. Tzuyu had to stop Chaeyoung from rap battling the poor kid sitting at the table next to theirs.

As Tzuyu tries to get Chae settled down she notices a fimilar face. He looks a little more older than her so she knows he's not someone from school. He's probably Jungkook's age- no maybe a little oder.

Tzuyu covers Chaeyoungs mouth to get her to shut up. "Hey, doesn't he look fimilar to you?"

"Who?" Chae asks after Tzuyu removes her hand from Chae's mouth. Chae licked her hand by the way.

"Your disgusting" Tzuyu says wiping her hand on Chaeyoungd arm sleeve.

"I know I'm amazing and what guy? The one at the window seat?" Chae says looking at the guys direction.

"Yeah him" Tzuyu says ignoring Chaeyoung's other comment.

"I see him there all the time when we come here"

"Really? I just noticed him, wait that's Jimin, Jungkook's friend"

"The one he brang to the park?" Chae says and accidentally flicks her sraw away which does a million flips in the air before it lands in the trash can.

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung look at eachother in shock that it went in.

"I deserve another coffee for that" Chae insists.

"Never again" Tzuyu says with a serious expression.

Chae sighs sadly.

"what were we talking about again?" Tzuyu asks.


"Oh yeah Jungkook's friend"

"I like him way better than Jungkook"
Chae says staring at her empty coffee cup like she can mentally refill it.

"You like anyone better than Jungkook" Tzuyu says with a laugh.

"Who can blame me" Chae says looking away from the coffee cup finally giving up on the idea of mentally refilling coffee.

"Im glad I'm not on your bad side" Tzuyu says taking a sip from her fruit smoothie. She obviously never drinks coffee infront of Chaeyoung.

"Hey let's call Jimin over! JIM-" Tzuyu covers her mouth.

"What are you doing?! Your making too much noise" Tzuyu scolds Chae so she puts her head down.

"What? He looked upset" Chae says "so why not call him over to cheer him up! You know like our cheer routine, cheer up baby cheer baby"

Tzuyu ignores Chae's caffeinated self "Why's he upset?"

"He's friends with Jungkook what do you expect" Chae comments.

"Okay lay low on the Jungkook roasts, that's enough for today" Tzuyu says.

"Fine" Chae says "now let's call him over!"

"And what are we going to say when we do?" Tzuyu says.

"Cheer up baby cheer baby!" Chae sings as she does the routine dance.

"No and stop" Tzuyu says. "I'll call Jungkook, their friends, he'll know how to help him"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tzuyu & Jungkook
• • • • • • • • • • • • •

"You have the audacity to call me, after you hung on me not to long ago!"

"Jungkook, stop being you for a second and just listen"

"Excuse me?"

"You friend Jimin he's at the café me and Chae always go to"

"Your not fraternizing with him are you?!"

"No! Just listen"

"He looks a bit depressed, maybe you should talk to him"

"Are you sure that's Jimin?"

"Yes I'm sure unless he has a twin"

"How come he always gets like this?"

"Thanks Tzuyu, I'll call him right now, bye"

"No I don't mean calling him, you should come here and talk to him in person, he looks like he needs some one"

"And hurry up! If you don't come soon Chae might try to talk to the poor kid while she's on coffee right now!"

"I'm on my way! Don't let her go near him!"

*hangs up quickly while running out the door*

*hangs up*

"Chae you think Jimin's doing okay?" Tzuyu asks putting her phone back in her purse.

"He doesn't look like it" Chae says sipping on a second coffee.

"What the hell! How'd you get that?!" Tzuyu yells and tries to take it away.

"Mine!" Chae hisses and protects her coffee.

Tzuyu sighs in annoyance, 'her parents are going to kill me when I take her home' she thought looking at Chae with a worried expression.

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