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Please listen to BTS Truth Untold as you read this chapter ~warning emotional chapter~


Jungkook ran faster than he ever had before even after all the years of track he had and competitions he's been in he was amazed at the speed he ran to get to Jimin. As he ran he thought of all the bad things that could be happening as he tries to make it to Jimin and Suga's apartment.

"Don't worry Jimin I'm coming!" Jungkook yells at the empty street and begins to run faster if that's even possible.

In a matter of minutes Jungkook finally made it to the apartment. His heart is racing faster than it ever has and its not because he just ran from his house all the way to Jimin's in a matter of minutes. His heart is racing at the fear of seeing what's inside of this apartment and he hopes to god that its not what he thinks it is.

Jungkook bangs on the apartment door and jiggles the door nob. No one comes to answer the door. He knew this was going to happen so he brang a bobby pin that he took from his sisters room and attempted to try to unlock the door with it. A trick he learned from his friend Teahyung.

Jungkook was shaking so much and couldn't get himself to focus as he tried to unlock the apartment door with a bobby pin.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" A mans voice yells which makes Jungkook drop his bobby pin.

"Put your hands up!" The officer says.

"No officer you don't understand! My friend he needs my help!" Jungkook pleads.

"We've got calls of a strange young man trying to break into one of the apartments, they claim they have never seen you here before" the officer says.

"My friend Jimin, he lives here! He's he needs help! Please let me help him! Please help me!" Jungkook yells and starts panicking and banging on the apartment door.

"I'm asking you to stop right now!" The officer yells but Jungkook ignores him and keeps banging in the door like a mad man and yelling for Jimin. He tries to break the door down so he can help Jimin as fast as he can.

The officer pins Jungkook to the door and forces his arms behind him so the officer can cuff Jungkook.

"No stop! You don't understand! Jimin! Jimin! Stay with me Jimin! You can't go! Jimin!" Jungkook yells going crazy.

"You have the right to remain silent!" The officer yells.

"No get off of me! I need to help him! Jimin don't worry I'm here, just wait a little longer! Jimin you'll be okay I promise!" Jungkook continues to fight his way.

"Let go of me!"

"Let go of him!" A fimilair voice yells at the officer.

Jungkook and the officer both look to see the owner of the command. Yoongi runs over to the officer and Jungkook.

"Let him go, he's my friend" Yoongi says, "we need to get into my apartment quick to help my friend"

Yoongi pulls out his keys to the apartment to show that he isn't lying. The officer lets go of Jungkook and uncuffs him.

Yoongi unlocks the door and opens it up quickly. Yoongi and Jungkook both run into the apartment looking for Jimin.

They immediately find Jimin laying on the couch dead asleep. His fave is very pale, paler than Suga's.

Jungkook leans down to check his temperature. He's cold.

Jungkook then checks Jimin's pulse. He breaks into tears.

Yoongi leans down next to Jungkook and puts his hand over Jungkook's.

"He- he's still alive" Jungkook manages to say.

Yoongi puts his head down and silently cries "Jimin I love you, I don't know how I could live on losing you. I still want you in my life. Losing you Jimin is like losing a little brother."

"I still want you"

Jungkook and Yoongi both look up at Jimin shocked he spoke.

"I still want you to be in my life too" Jimin says "I still want to be in your life, I love you too Hyung."

"Jimin I'll be here for you too" Jungkook says "do you understand that, I've told you that before"

"Don't you remember just yesterday you were with me and Tae" Jungkook says remembering a happy memory with an healthy Jimin.

But Jungkook can't help but cry staring at something that resembles a corpse, Jimin's corpse.

"We were laughing and smiling. We were all happy. We were all smiling" Jungkook continues "please don't smile to me then lie to me."

A tear runs down Jimin's face, "you know that I can't show you me"

"But I still want you in my life" Jungkook says holding onto Jimin's hand "we all still want you, Jimin we all love you, please don't leave us"

"I-I'm so afraid" Jimin says "please save me."

Yoongi finally opens his eyes and looks up at Jimin and looks at his pale lifeless face. He quickly gets up and looks at the officer at the front door.

"Please help us! Help him! Get him to the hospital!" Yoongi yells picking Jimin up and running towards the door.

The officer wipes his eyes and takes Jimin in his arms quickly taking Jimin into his cop car. The officer turns on his sirens and quickly gets Jimin to the hospital.

Yoongi helps a crying Jungkook to his feet. "Jungkook" Yoongi says sternly.

Jungkook looks up at his hyung and sniffles and breaks down crying.

Yoongi hugs Jungkook comforting him. "Thank you for being a good friend to Jimin"

Jungkook continues to cry in Suga's arms.

"Jungkook let's go to the hospital and see if Jimin's alright" Yoongi says.

"Are you sure he's going to be fine?" Jungkook asks whipping his tears.

"I know he is" Yoongi says and puts an arm around Jungkook to comfort him as they go out to go into Suga's car and drive to the hospital.

Call Me 💙Jikook💙Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ