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Jimin & Suga (Yoongi)


"You can't believe what happened hyung"


"Do you want to know what happened?"


"So I called you to ask about the holes in my underwear but I called the wrong number and met some guy"


"Yeah! He's a nice guy, I think we're friends now"

"Uh huh"

"He said he has a brother and plays over watch doesn't your friend Namjoon hyung play that?"


"That's cool!"


"So hyung what are you doing?"


"That's cool! I think I might call him again tomorrow"

"I don't care"

"Did I mention his name?"

"I don't know"

"His name is Jungkook, you know him?"


"Hyung I'm going to go grocery shopping you need anything?"

"I'll text you if I need anything"

"Okay hyung!"

"Wait, holes in your underwear?"

"Oh yeah! Hyung I opened up my underwear drawer and all of them had holes in them!"


"Hyung it's not funny"

"Yes it is"

"Are you with Namjoon hyung?"


"When are you going to let me hang out with you guys?"


"Soon?! Okay thanks hyung!"

"I didn't say anything"

"Thanks hyung I promise I'll be cool infront of Namjoon hyung!"

"I never said you could hang out with us"

"So when will you set this up?"

"Look Jimin I don't feel like talking to you right now so I'm going to hang up, okay"

"Wait hyung don't hang up yet"

*hangs up*



"Suga hyung?"

"Yoongi hyung?"

"Okay! I'll see you later Hyung! Bye!"

*hangs up*

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